Meeting 5/28/11
Song of Solomon.  Song of Bush.  Sounded more like a record being scratched this week!  Ha!  Funny thing is that I planned a 'date night', got a baby sitter, and had it all planned out to enjoy an evening with 'my dove'.  After spending the day being aggravated by the Shrubs, my 'Hoof in Mouth' affliction flared up, as I must've said something offensive to 'my beautiful one'.  She was already in a foul mood from her Shrub disease.  ( The Shrubs are our children, named from their being small Bushes)  So by the time we left the house, we were in shambles!  Not exactly a good start for date night.  Then, to make matters worse, the Shrubs wouldn't go to bed for the sitter.  They got all jacked up and made us pay the price the next day.  Wow.  That just happened.  We paid a heavy price for this date night. 
Agape love doesn't wait on feelings.  It's a decision and a commitment to participate in God's design of marriage.  Sure, sex is intended to be good and exclusive, but intimacy doesn't depend on sex.  Intimacy can happen during any circumstance.  It is our coming together all the time.  It is a practice.  It is sacred.  It is a great representation of our relationship with God.  He wants to be intimate with us all the time.  He wants to talk with us, walk with us, do things with us.  He wants to do all the things we like to do with our spouses.  He wants us to avoid all the things our spouses do not like.  Sex can happen, but intimacy should happen.  Song of Solomon is an amazing picture of intimacy in motion, and it is good.  It isn't some shameful thing.  It was made by God for us to participate in.  What does your song sound like?