This devotional takes us back to another boat story. Previously, we've discussed and learned much from the storm, the disciples scared to death, Jesus asleep in the bow, Ye of little faith, calming of the wind and waves, etc. Now, Jesus just fed the 5000, the people were getting stirred up, wanting to make Him king, Jesus tells His disciples to go by boat to the other side, He gets away for a bit. They had been straining at the oars for 3.5 miles in a windy, stormy sea. That's some serious work and fitness! It's late into the night (tired much?) Jesus is seen walking on the water. At first they thought He was a ghost. I don't know if they saw many ghosts back then, but it's kind of interesting. But the main thing I noted this time was He was going to keep on walking by until they called out to Him. Can anyone but me relate to this story? How many times have I strained for so long in the storm and haven't cried out to Him? We've been learning lately that He requires a response of action from us. They reached out to Him. I heard a song on the radio the other day with lyrics, "let Him quiet me with His love." I need Him to have victory over the storm of 'myself'! Then the famous interaction of Peter climbing out of the boat. What that must've felt like to hit solid footing on the top of the water! So, Peter's doing the impossible, just like Jesus says we can do in our storms! We've got to keep our eyes on Him, folks! As soon as Peter moved his focus to the wind and waves, he was sunk. Don't let Satan distract you with his fear tactics. Just look at what happens. Jesus climbs in the boat with them, the storm is immediately quieted, and they immediately arrive at the other shore! There is actual factual potential to overcome our worldly limitations and struggles here! With Jesus, it is possible. I need to kindle my faith in Him, and open up to the possibility of His power to let the miraculous happen. With Him, I can overcome. I've got to remember to cry out, reach out, take that step of courage in His direction, believing, hoping, depending, counting on His faithfulness and all the while remembering, He is crazy in love with me, He is for me, He is with me, and He's got a better plan for my life than I do. Gulp! Swallow that lump in that throat, and let go. Trust Him. He's good. And He's doing far more than we can imagine through these temporary circumstances.