It's easy to love someone that loves you.  In fact, when you know someone loves you, it inspires you to not only love them back, but to soar a little higher in life.  Considering our relationship with God to be the most important relationship, then it follows that we should understand how great a love He has for us; therefore, inspiring a positive and powerful response of our love in return.  There is power in knowing God's love and knowing that you love God.  The application of this at least will be against Satan's schemes of casting doubt in your mind of your position with God or what God thinks of you. 
So what is evidence of God's love for us?  Just for starters:  He gave His Son, provided the way to heaven and salvation, gave us life, gave us His Word, gave us creation, gave us true forgiveness, gave us the Holy Spirit, gave us talents, blessings, destined us for achieving a purpose, uses us to bring Him glory.  All of these are extensions of His love. 
We need to revisit the proofs of His love from time to time to refresh our hearts and inspire a renewed desire to love Him in return.  Truly, "we love because He first loved us".  If God did nothing else but give His Son for us, it would surely be enough.  In reality, He has done and is doing so much more, despite Satan's question of "what has He done for you lately?".  You can almost sense your wings starting to unfurl as you consider how great a love the Father has for you.
Considering God's Love