Meeting 5/24/20
Col. 3:18-25
It seems the Lord is extremely interested in our relationships and the family unit. In this passage, He lays out some specific instructions for these relationships: wives to husbands, husbands to wives, children to parents, fathers to children, slaves/employees to masters/bosses. How important are these relationships to God? Check out Malachi to discover the levity of the situation. God said He sent Elijah to turn the hearts of fathers back to their children and their children back to their fathers, or else He would come and destroy the whole thing. What?! We find this is a huge deal to God!
You see, God has always wanted relationship with us. He has proven that over and over again. That's what it's all about. From His heart, He created these earthly relationships to somewhat reflect and represent our relationship with Him! He is our Father, we are His children. He is our husband, we are His wife. He is our Master, we are His workers. In fact, now He calls us friends. So, He wants us to do rightly within these relationships. If we don't, He reckons it's not worth maintaining this place. That's how important these things are to Him.
Let's consider important what is important to Him. Let's strengthen and appreciate these relationships He has established. We've only got one shot for a very short time. And Satan is out to destroy each one of these relationships, so we will have to fight for this. Let's stop fighting each other, and fight for what God says is the most important thing to Him: our relationships with Him and with each other. Let's crucify selfishness. Let's resurrect respect. May He bless our relationships as we live them out in such a way as to honor Him. He has shown us His Way. Let us walk in it.