John 10:1-21. Jesus introduces something new in this passage: the shepherd lifestyle. It was something the people were familiar with so, once again, we see Jesus illustrating spiritual truths by using physical elements.
The common shepherd would wear a tunic, with a pouch attached to his belt. The pouch contained dried fruit to eat and rocks to sling at predators. Of course, he would not want to get the two mixed up! A horn of oil was also carried to anoint the sheeps heads to keep off bugs. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is good for what bugs us too, right? The oil also lubricated their heads so they would slip off each other when they were butting heads. The Holy Spirit also eases the friction in our relationships, eh? The shepherds also carried a rod of correction for when the sheep wandered away. They would rap the wandering sheep's legs to injure them, then carry the sheep around on their shoulders until the pain subsided. It allowed the proper bonding time between the shepherd and lost sheep, who would, in turn, learn its lesson and not wander off again. Will we let our Shepherd hold us and draw us near after we have wandered? The shepherds would also carry a long staff with a crook on the end to be able to hook around their necks. They might wear a leather cape around their tunic to be used as a make-shift tent.
Spread out around the countryside would be common sheepfolds, where different shepherds would stow their sheep overnight. They would leave one shepherd to guard the sheep until their return in the morning. The shepherd would lay himself down across the only opening/gate to protect them. Thieves would run in pairs, vaulting over the walls, slitting the sheeps throats, and throwing their bodies over the walls to make their escape. In the morning, when the shepherds returned, each shepherd would sing their own special song his particular sheep knew from being with him in the fields and each would file through the gate to follow him out to pasture. Sheep from other flocks would not respond, except to their own shepherd. The shepherd would lead his flock. He would stay with them, experiencing everything they experienced. This is our Jesus, as well. He can completely relate to us in how we feel, what we go through, whatever challenges or difficulties we face, because He has faced it all, and then some.
I love verse 7. Jesus says it again. Aren't you thankful He repeats things? I know I need that. It's a humbling thing, being likened unto a sheep. That should tell us something about ourselves.
We need to be careful at verse 10. Jesus has come that we might have abundant life, meaning such things as joy and peace. This is a result of the gospel. Verse 11 is the essence of the gospel. It's about what He did for us, not what we might get or what He can do for us. We can get this backwards and stray into thinking we are entitled to the "good life" or that we are owed prosperity because of the gospel, where we have no problems, are rich, healthy, happy, etc.
There's other sheep! That's us in verse 16! I love it when He talks about us in the bible. His vision is exciting and encouraging to me. Doesn't that inspire you to be patient in waiting for family or friends to come around? We must let go of our timetable and just be in this race for the long haul. There is nothing impossible for God. Keep loving your sheeple to the very end. Unity can happen. It won't be by the manipulation or orchestration of my efforts, but will only be by the miracle and power of the Holy Spirit, unifying us as one flock because we are followers of Jesus together. He, alone, is the One Shepherd. Everyone else before and after Him are thieves. The thieves come to steal, kill, and destroy. What are they coming to destroy? For starters, they are the antiChrist towards every fruit of the Spirit listed in Galations 5. They want your love turned to hate, your joy turned to depression and negativity, your peace turned to anxiety, your patience turned to explosiveness and microwave mentality, your kindness turned to selfishness, your goodness turned to impurity, your faithfulness turned to adultery, your gentleness turned to calloussness of heart, and your self-control turned to compromise.
Verse 17-18. The Father loves Jesus because He lays down His life for the Father's glory. Here it is in black and white for us sheep. We get to choose whether to live for our glory or His. If we will choose to surrender our lives for His glory everyday, He will bring genuine life and light into our hearts. We will have the fruits of the Spirit and will see them multiply by His power. Jesus has the power to lay down His life and to take it up again on His own accord. This is Easter, my sheeples. He is alive! Is He alive in your heart today? Why do you walk around dead? Have you forgotten Easter? Wake up and let the Son rise in your heart today. Let Him bring light and life. It's Easter morning, still....every day....not just one holiday per year. This is the whole foundation of the gospel, for if He isn't alive today, we are simply wasting our time, living out deceived, misguided, and hopeless existences. Aren't you glad we have our bibles where eyewitnesses wrote down their testimonies of His resurrection and interactions with them after He rose from the grave and then ascended into heaven? Thank you, Lord. May it be true and real in my heart today, and tomororow.