Ecclesiastes. Not even sure what it means. Maybe Solomon wrote it, maybe it could've been you or me, just as well, but either way, it is from an old man's perspective, as if he's looking back on his life, wishing he'd done better. He suffers from having too many years of living without a solid connection to the Lord. His life lenses are a little blurry from all of his frustrating experiences. We're all a little bit like this, aren't we? He lived life to the fullest, trying this and that philosophy, hobbies, and pursuits. He now recognizes that life is meaningless and without purpose apart from God. There is no true satisfaction without that connection. It's how we were made. We were made to be in a love relationship with Him. We were designed to live in continual positive response to Him.
"Cast your bread upon the waters" (Ecc. 11:1). Lots of commentary on this one. The old practice included going out in boats when the rivers were swollen and casting your seed upon the waters, so when the waters receded, your seed would settle on fertile banks of the river. It was an agricultural investment practice. The writer knew this, but why do we have a translation that says "bread"? This is one smart guy authoring this book. I think he may be playing on words and tweaking the old adage of the farming practice. He is possibly saying "bread" on purpose here. Bread, being the fruit of your seeds and grains, means so much more. It can now elude to giving of your resources, helping others in need, taking risks, investing, and other related possibilities for when you come upon a time of need.
I like all of the meanings and hope to keep each alive as a part of a plausible explanation. I especially like the 'taking risks' angle for today. As men of God, it is up to us to provide the leading example of boldness and exude that warrior-like heart in the face of the tough world. The world has emasculated men to the point where we are losing the fierceness required to love in tough conditions. We need to risk love and reputation by walking out our faith, led by the Holy Spirit, and do what His word says. Who else do we expect to do this loving? Take a chance. Invest. Go for it. Don't sit on the sidelines. Get on to the field of battle and truly live. Go for your wife. Go for your job. Go for your friend. Go for your children. Risk it all. Inject God into every part of your life. Let Him be. Engage in this war and let the weight of His truth be felt by yourself and those around you.
The conclusion of the matter: "Fear God and keep his commandments.". This is a sharp contrast to the meaningless life previously mentioned. This is full of direction and purpose. This is a life full of risk and reward. Seeds to fruit. Cast 'em out there. To God be the glory.