AFC Meeting 5/17/03
Army of One in the War of Worlds,
inspired by "Maximized Manhood", by Ed Cole.
"Who do you think you are, Private Lumpy?  Did you think you could just come in here and coast like I was your momma looking after you?  Shall I bring you a glass of tea?  How 'bout a nice little scrumpet?  Do you want to quit, Lumpy?  Just when the pressure is turning on, do you want to walk out?  Get your lazy butt off the deck and finish the course like a man and quit whining about how terrible you have it.", the drill sergeant boomed at the emergency meeting of their Army of One.  He paced along with the men as they struggled through their last exercise of the night.
"We will finish, men.  We will finish strong.  Time!", the drill instructor called.  "Everyone gather up.  Outstanding, privates!  This is enough to get me giddy like a school girl.  The world is falling apart before our very eyes and the time is drawing near when our mission will be complete.  Our Master and Saviour will appear soon to restore us unto Himself and place a crown of righteousness upon each of your heads.  This meeting was called tonight as impromptu and necessary because word got to me that one of us continues to participate in a lifestyle unfitting for the kingdom.  That's right, I have eyes and ears all over this town, led by the Holy Spirit Himself to give me discernment about my men.  When one falls, we all fall.  When one pays the price, we all pay.  Contrary to popular belief, this is an act of love, not of hateful punishment.  In this unique brotherhood, we must look out for each other and encourage by positive reenforcement.  This is tough love, gentlemen, not some fairy tale, passionate, lustful, sexual fantasy.  This is real love, men.  Sometimes real love doesn't even feel good.  But it is.  It is an act of intercession, because we do not want anything to become big enough to make us stumble.  Souls are at stake, gentlemen!  We do not wish anyone to perish!  Step forward Private Lumpy!"
Private Lumpy swallowed hard and slowly moved to the front of the group.
"Johnson, Fargo, step up and stand beside him.", the drill sergeant ordered.  Getting in Private Lumpy's face, the drill sergeant reddened.  "Why do you think I named you Lumpy when you have the best physique in the company?  Because you're fat!  You have the body of a well-tuned marine, but you continue to spiritually sit lazily as a couch potato.  You pompous, proud, pinheaded, playboying, porn starring, populating, perpetrating, poison-tongued, partly warm, piece of monkey poop!  God commands you to repent!  He doesn't mail out nice little pretty postcards inviting us to please choose to obey Him if and when we feel like it.  No!  YOU HAVE NO OPTION!  You either obey Him or be considered a rebel.  You know what you are doing behing the men's backs, behind closed doors, when you think no one else can see.  Let me tell you something, GOD SEES!.  I don't have to point out the specific failures here, but I am here to encourage.  We all are here to encourage.  Now face Johnson.  Turn and face Private Johnson and take your medicine, Lumpy!  Johnson, body punches, commence now.  Now, Johnson!", the drill sergeant screamed within two inches of Zion's ear.  "This is an act of love, remember?" 
Zion struck out at the bigger man's frame, despite seeing sorrowful, fearful eyes on his face.  After pummeling his torso for a good minute, the instructor told Lumpy to turn to Private Fargo and face the music.
"Legs, Fargo.  I want him to feel it everytime and everywhere he walks this week as a reminder of God's commands.", the drill sergeant directed.  Fargo attacked Lumpy's legs, tentatively at first, but then with focus as the drill sergeant continued to "encourage".
"Obedience to God's commands brings peace into our lives, gentlemen.  Disobedience destroys peace with God.  No disobedient sprit can approach God in heaven.  God is calling us to confess ur sins and repent, turning to a life of faith in Him.  He wants to take your sick, dirty little souls and clean them up.  He wants your sin, gentlemen.  He wants to take it all and free you from its hold of weakness on you.  This is the truth spoken in love.  God loves the sinner, but hates the sin."
Lumpy fell, writhing in pain and muttered something unintelligible, gasping for air. 
"What's that Private Lumpy?  Something you want to say?", the drill sergeant prodded.
"Th...tha...thank you, sir.", Lumpy responded in a raspy voice.  "Is there any forgiveness for me?  I've been struggling for a while now, and you have given me motivation to turn to God finally, and make things right."
The drill sergeant immediately stepped forward, grabbed Lumpy's belt and raised him to his feet to stand inches from each other.
"Look me in the eye, private!", he barked.  Lumpy slowly lifted his chin to peer into his eyes, expecting another round of bashing.  "I love you, son.  That's why I am here.", the drill sergeant said as he firmly wrapped Lumpy in a huge bear hug.  Then he began singing, leading the others to join in enthusiastically. 
"What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus!  What can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus!  Oh, precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow!  No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus!"