The Gospel of John, 5/14/15
John 9.  This passage describes the 6th of 7 special miracles Jesus performed as recorded by John for very specific purposes.  As a review, the first three signs show how one is saved- by the Word (water to wine), by faith in Jesus (healing nobleman's son), and by grace (healing lame man).  The last four signs show the results of salvation:  satisfaction (feed the 5,000), peace (calm the storm), light (heal the blind man), and life (raise Lazarus).

So this blind man is indeed blind, poor, and helpless.  He is the picture of the lost, unsaved sinner.  Notice how Jesus saves:  He came in grace, He irritated him by putting dirt in his eyes, He cured him by His power, the cure glorified God, and the cure was noticed by others.

The controversy continues with adversity from the Jewish leaders or priests.  They declared that whoever professed Jesus openly would be kicked out of the synagogue.  This also describes our world today and how the bible tells of the last days.  We can expect the same treatment, as followers of Christ.  I love how the simple-hearted believer knows more than the educated, intellectual theologians.  He fearlessly stood his ground and gave his testimony.  He could not deny the difference Jesus had made in his life.  He grew in "light".  A disciple has light in his heart.  This light is the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 4:6).  He is a light in the world (Matt. 5:14).  He walks in light (1John 1:7).   He produces fruit of the light (Eph. 5:8-9).  

​Now, this same light can blind others.  The gospel brings different reactions from different people.  The self-righteous, religious person rejects the gospel truth and becomes spiritually blind.  The poor, blind sinner accepts Jesus and receives spiritual sight.  Again, we have a daily choice to make:  glorify Jesus or myself.  

In West Virginia, an explosion deep in a mine left several miners stranded in the dark.  When the rescuers finally made it to them, one of the miners exclaimed, " why won't they turn on their lights?"  He didn't realize the explosion had actually blinded him.  This is what it's like in the world. People don't even realize they are blind because of such darkness around them and in their own lives.  The light exposes blindness.  It irritates by judgment.  Our responsibility is simply to get the Word out to others and let His light shine through us.  It is the Holy Spirit that opens up hearts to receive and take action.  

Back to the text.  The disciples wondered why this man was blind.  There were, and still are, many prejudices about why suffering, hardship, and disease exist.  After all, why would a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people?  Wish I had a dollar for all the times I've heard that!  Remember the Job story?  We continue to be desperate to find out the reasons something happened.  We must always find someone or something to place blame or find at fault.  We are slaves to details and information to make our own justifications.  But Jesus doesn't always give us the answer we are looking for, eh?  He has his own wise reasons for allowing circumstances.  He tends to bring nothing but goodness out of them.  He asks us to walk by faith and trust Him.  Remember, God has created us for His glory, plain and simple.  How are we doing with that?  Seems we would rather try to become a "somebody" while here on Earth.  These trials come to bring glory to God.  So, neither this man, nor his parents sinned to cause his disease of blindness.  This happened so the work of God might be displayed in his life.  He revealed that heaven was the ultimate healing.  We tend to pray that everything is perfect here on Earth, but there is more going on behind the scenes.  Plus, this earthly life isn't what it's all about!  We were made for eternity in heaven.  We were made to bring Him glory.  Are we good with that?