Meeting 5/12/17
    Continuing with our journey on post-resurrection facts, we look at the account Luke recorded in Luke 24.  One immediately apparent distinction is the mentioning of "two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning".  Other accounts describe only one man/angel.  In that culture, only the prominent figures that spoke were noted as present, so if a particular person wasn't thought to have spoken, they may not get mentioned as being present.  It reminds me of the way the "feeding of the five thousand" were counted, where only the men were counted, leaving off women and children in the total.
    Of particular note was yet another sharp rebuke by a spiritual being "in the know".  "Remember how He told you..." (v.6).  You can almost hear a sarcastic tone in between the lines!  Jesus uses the same types of rebukes in the scriptures, as if they should have known.  Instead, they resigned to unbelief and doubt.  So, how are we doing with this fact that we have the Bible, so we should know some things about God, His promises, our situations, and the World around us?  What has He told us that we have forgotten or have doubted His faithfulness to bring to fruition?  How are we doing in our belief versus unbelief?  Remember the town where Jesus could not perform many miracles because of their unbelief? (Matt.13:58)  It's interesting, to think that we could actually hinder God from performing miracles in our lives because of our lack of faith and belief.  It certainly isn't impossible for Him to do the miracles, but there must be some sort of limitation or hesitance from our Father to do so at times, according to His wisdom and sovereignty.  On the other hand, I think it would be errant to belief that if we could just have enough faith or enough belief, then the miracles that we pray for would come through the way we hope for.  You tracking with me?  We must use care and wisdom on this, lest we subscribe to a philosophy that we can twist the hand of God or manipulate His will.  Unfortunately, there are Christian practices that promote striving to have enough faith to bring about God's favorable answer to your prayers, as if He is a genie in a bottle for your benefit.  He most certainly is our great Advocate, but our wish is most definitely not His command.  He indeed, is our source of healing and all provision for this life, but we must simply trust in His sovereign reign of our lives.  We must be content and at peace regarding our situations and prayer requests, knowing that He has heard our cries and that His timing is always perfect.  He loves us and has our best interests in mind, but we cannot always fathom His ways or plans.  We are called to trust Him, even when we don't understand and even when it hurts.  He is completely good and pure-worthy of our wholehearted trust.
    Going backward, how are we doing with verse 5?  Are we looking among the dead for true life?  This touches on our activities, habits, and lifestyles.  What places do we frequent to bring life?  What is our source of life?  Those things we do, are they dead with darkness, perversion, and sin?  They are not fitted to bring life.  It is not in them.  Those things must die and no longer be places we turn to in search of true life.  
    So, the women are prominent figures in the story.  We assume the disciples are hiding out, scared and grieving after Jesus' death.  But good for those girls, for they were the ones that first went to His tomb.  They stuck out His crucifixion as well.  Good on them.  They run to tell the disciples of Jesus' resurrection, but they didn't believe them.  Luke specifically mentions Peter running to the tomb to see for himself though.  This is yet another very specific fact of reinstating him after his denial of Jesus three times.  In another gospel account, the angels tell the women to notify the disciples and Peter explicitly.  This is an important deal because Peter will take the gospel message to the Jews and Paul will take it to the Gentiles, primarily.
    I love the story of the two guys walking to Emmaus.  Jesus disguises Himself and plays dumb, trying to feel them out on what they are thinking.  Brace yourself for another rebuke.  Jesus uses words like "foolish" and "slow to believe" to describe their condition.  The next part is awesome though.  He proceeds to explain all of the scriptures from Moses to the Prophets concerning Himself.  I love it.  And that is our Bible, folks.  It's all about Jesus.  The whole Old Testament is about Him and preparing for His coming, death, and resurrection.  The entire New Testament is inspired by His death and resurrection.  It's all about Him!  The sum total of the earth's and human existence is about Jesus Christ.  Period.  What are we about?  Do our lives point to Him as the single focal point?  Does our compass point to Him as our True North?  All of life is made from, for, and through Him.  (Col.1:16)  Lord, forgive me, for I've been more concerned with the things of man than the things of God.
    Ah, and those two guys realizing their hearts were on fire as Jesus talked is good stuff.  "Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked?" (v.32).  I love it.  Friends, let's take the time to let Him talk to us.  Carve out time to get into His Word and allow His Word to get into us.  The Holy Spirit inside us will burn with excitement and confirmation of His Word pouring into our lives.  When this happens, don't harden your hearts.  Let it affect and have its way with your lives.  There's no need to be afraid of what He might do or require you to do.  It's good and right to allow the Word to influence us in our thoughts, words, and actions.  "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion." (Heb. 3:15)  Have courage to let the Word change you for the better.
    The two guys convince Jesus to stay with them for supper at least.  He takes the bread, breaks it, and blesses it, just like He did with the loaves and fishes story.  Look out, whenever He does this!  They immediately recognize Him and He disappears before their very eyes.  So, they now know He is truly resurrected and alive.  They run to tell the disciples where they are holed up.  Exactly while they were still telling the disciples the story, Jesus shows up in the very room!  "Peace" is His greeting.  How are we doing with His peace?  It's definitely available, but I don't know if I'm feeling a lot of peace out there in the world.  I know I'm even struggling with it personally.  And we all do, right?  Not only when He shows up in our lives, but in dealing with all of life's situations- we have His peace available to us.  Let's receive it.  Let's walk with it.  Peace is what we all seek and need in this crazy life- and Jesus is the only true and lasting source of this peace.  
    The disciples are naturally afraid, as if a ghost is standing there in front of them.  They also thought He was a ghost when He was walking on the water in the storm.  Remember our study of this in John?  Who or what are we looking for in our storms?  Are we thinking negatively, looking for ghosts, fearing the worst?  Or are we looking for Jesus to show up as our Advocate on our behalf?  Have faith and believe!
    "Why are you troubled?  Why do doubts rise in your minds?", Jesus asked.  This is very convicting.  How are doing in our chronic circumstances?  Are we troubled?  Has life gone out light a lamp that has been snuffed?  Has the joy disappeared?  Have we begun to doubt any and all things?  Father, please forgive us and restore us.  Restore the joy of our salvation.  Forgive us of our unbelief.  Revive our hope in You.  Regenerate and renew our minds to embrace Your perspectives.  Reveal Your purposes and plans according to Your perfect will and timing.  Inspire us again to truly live according to the influence of Your Word and Holy Spirit.
    So, Jesus encourages them to touch His hands and feet.  Those wounds were real, folks.  Our sin really did nail Him to that cross.  He really did endure that torture for us.  They were able to tactilely bring about belief.  It wasn't just "seeing is believing".  They actually felt Him and knew His resurrection was real.  This fact would inspire them to go forth and grow the Church with the Gospel message of such good news.  The fact that Jesus is alive today changes everything.  
    Then He asked for something to eat.  Remember, He was about to eat over at the two guys' house when they recognized Him and He disappeared?  Nah, I don't thing He was actually humanly hungry.  He most likely did it for their benefit, again proving He wasn't a ghost.  Also, eating always was an event of intimacy and relationship extended to them.  
    In summary, Jesus explained that the "Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.  You are witnesses of these things.  I'm going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power on high." (v. 46-49)  These few guys were eye witnesses of these facts.  They were called to go preach repentance and forgiveness of sins in His name.  How are we doing with that?  This is very unpopular these days, it seems.  No one wants to be reminded of their sins.  No one likes to be judged or condemned.  No one likes to have their errors or mistakes pointed out.  We are quickly losing our humility.  Pride and selfishness soars in contrast.  Rights and entitlements are anchoring roots.  We need to get back to basics and maintain our position in this relationship.  Repent and receive forgiveness of sins.  Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up in due time. (1Pet.5:6)
    Then Jesus promises the Holy Spirit coming upon them to assist in carrying out their calling to go throughout the world with His message.  Man, I just feel we are losing touch with this very thing.  There is way too much of us going out on our own.  We too often live on our own strength, wisdom, and energy.  There truly is a way-no, The Way, to live by the Holy Spirit.  It's a real deal.  It's an existence of dependence on Him.  It's a life that allows the Spirit to influence our thoughts, words, and actions.  It's a result of living in reality and awareness of His presence, just as He promised.  Help us, Lord.  Great is my need, but greater is your love for me.
    So Jesus led them out to the Mount of Olives, the very place where He is bringing back His kingdom and New Jerusalem.  He lifted up His hands and blessed them.  While He was blessing them, he was taken up into heaven.  Then they worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.  A revolution had begun.  The rebels were on the rise.  They stayed in the temple, praising God, until the Holy Spirit came upon them.  I pray that we will become better worshippers.  May we offer our bodies as living sacrifices as our spiritual act of worship. (Rom. 12:1)