Path of the King, Episode X.
Inspired by The Dream Giver, by Bruce Wilkinson.
"It feels like I don't have the heart to go on anymore with everything that has happened, Grandpa," Davey explained, planting himself next to his grandpa on the porch with a steaming cup of black coffee in his hand.  "After Joe died and all the other struggles, it's like I'm in the wilderness or desert or something."
"I'll tell you why you feel you don't have any more heart, Davey," his grandpa leaned in.  "If you look at things in the world's eyes, the world doesn't let you build a heart to handle the challenges.  It only promotes the "good life" of no troubles and carefree, perfect, silver-spoon living.  It paints this picture of the American Dream of success that everyone is judged by.  Well, let me tell you something, Jesus came and destroyed that whole picture and changed everything.  No more whining about what you have or don't have, wondering why she has that body or why he has all that money or why these people don't this and that.  Things aren't as they appear in this world, Davey.  Jesus said we need to start looking at things through a divine, Godly perspective and break free of this bondage the world pushes. 
"In true actuality, this wilderness you are in is preparing you to do the very thing you were born to do.  It is God's way of erasing you and filling you with Him.  He is making you into the person you need to be to reach your dream as well as impact others with your faith in God.  And this is a slow, brutal, painful process because we have grown up with this worldly notion of what we think things should look like if we are doing good.  You can actually have true joy in the wilderness if you don't focus on the painful experiences you are facing, but instead, focus on the end result:  a man of God who is perfect and complete, lacking nothing, ready to pursue life with vigor and excellence. 
"There's just one question, Davey," he put his hand on Davey's arm.  "Will you let God have you?  Will you decide ahead of time, right now, to give God permission to dig as deep as necessary to make the changes He needs to make to allow His perfect will to be made complete?  Will you trust HIm that much to never turn back on this journey, no matter how tough it gets?  Will you?"
"So in other words, to the world it looks like I am losing, but in truth, by God's view, I am winning?" Davey looked up, smiling at this revelation.  "Yeah, I think I can trust Him for that.  No, I know I can, and I will let him!"