Revelation 9, To Pray or Prey?
    We ended last week's study with an eagle proclaiming "woe" to the inhabitants still left on earth for the next three trumpet soundings.  This marks the time period of the last three and a half years of the Great Tribulation.  The full number of gentile believers are martyred and have been gathered up to heaven.  144,000 sealed/marked, passionate Jews are still on the earth, hanging tough.  Now, John hears the fifth trumpet and sees a star that had fallen to the earth in the past tense.  This star was given a key to the Abyss, or bottomless pit.  This star is known to be Satan, himself, as a fallen angel of light.  Jesus had said He had seen Satan fall like lightning from heaven in Luke.  So out of the abyss comes smoke that darkened the sky.  Out of the smoke came forth a plague of locusts that came down to the earth and were given the stinging power of scorpions.  These are not your ordinary locusts, as in the Old Testament.  These were to only torment unsealed/unmarked men for five months, about the normal reign of physical locusts even today.  They were not allowed to kill them, but man's suffering will be so great, they will long to die, even attempting suicide, but not be able to succeed.    
    Where is this abyss?  Some have thought it to be a shaft leading to the center of the earth, insinuating that's the dwelling place of hell.  I believe this is but one more vivid example of this very special time period.  Now, we are living by faith, believing in what is unseen.  Every now and then, we get glimpses of how the spiritual realm interacts or invades the physical world we live in.  It seems, in Revelation, the spiritual realm is much more visible to people on earth.  We've already seen evidence a few weeks ago, where the folks were hiding in the caves, begging to be spared the wrath of the Lamb and the One who sits on the throne.  I think the sky was rolled back and they could see heaven somehow.
    I agree, this is where our imaginations are quite limited.  Consider the story of Adam and Eve, where God walked amongst them.  Sure, they were sinless and considered righteous, but there was present the actual factual God Almighty walking on Earth.  Plus, in the picture, was slippery Satan, the snake.  Remember also that we see Satan has access to God's throne in heaven, according to Job.  There, the Devil states he's been roaming back and forth upon the Earth.  These are but examples of how it's difficult to comprehend the literal presence of the spiritual world in the physical dimension.  Does it make the spirit world any less real, just because we don't see it every day?  Jesus equated it to the wind.  Can you see the wind?  No, but you can see the effects of it and it is nonetheless real.  This is our call to faith.  Jesus asked in Luke 18 if He would find we are living in faith when He returns.  The very best and greatest example is the promised presence of the Holy Spirit presently dwelling within us, even now.  This is the most positive expression of the spirit world invading the physical in my opinion.
    I think it best we look at these images as simply revealing the reality of the spiritual realm.  It's connected and related to our physical world, but it's yet another dimension that we aren't familiar with.  The abyss is a real shaft that leads to the bottomless pit.  This is the same pit that the Beast will come out of later.  It's the same pit Jesus went into to get the keys when He was crucified, conquering death and hell.  It's the same pit God sentenced some very vile fallen angels in the Old Testament who had somehow interacted with humans in Noah's day, having sexual relations, and instigating the Nephilim, or a race of giants.  It's the same pit Satan will be thrown into at the end of the story.  Earth is like the stage where the reality of spiritual encounters are played out in Revelation, and in our lives today.
    Back to the locusts.  These are demonic creatures, preying upon evil mankind.  It's important to note that demons don't just attack Christian believers.  It's their nature to destroy-period.  It seems counterproductive, if their goal was to increase their numbers, but they don't discriminate.  Their bent is to bring destruction.  They are released to torture everyone that doesn't have the seal of God on their foreheads.  As a side note, make sure we and our children understand this truth about the nature of Satan and his demons.  They are out to destroy us.  This is really important to keep in mind, especially in your trials and tribulations.  That's when your vulnerable.  Your tired, stressed, worried, distracted, suffering, isolated, problems at home, etc..  That's when you let your guard down, loosen your inhibitions, and become easy prey.  That's when you go to that thing you really don't want to go to.  Look what happened to Samson.  Remember, the long-haired guy?  Delilah kept whittling away, wearing him down, until he was tired enough to submit.  She destroyed him.  
    These locusts are shaped like horses, prepared for battle.  They won't stop and never tire.  They wear the crown of victory.  They can't lose.  They are invincible.  They have faces of men, symbolic of intelligence.  They aren't dumb zombies on the prowl.  Their long hair means they are seductive and irresistible, luring victims in.  Their lion's teeth are insatiable, never having a full stomach.  Their breastplates indicate insensitivity.  They don't care and have no feelings or compassion in their hearts.  Their speed is of chariots, where no one can outrun their pursuit.  They have a king over them named Abaddon or Apollyon, which means "Destroyer" or Satan.  
    After the five months of locust torture, the sixth angel sounds his trumpet.  The four fallen angels whom God had imprisoned and held for the purpose of this very moment in time are released to kill a third of mankind.  We've already seen one fourth of man killed by the horseman of death earlier.  Now, more than half the population is dead.  These four angels muster up an army of 200 million members, mounted on horseback.  John heard the number clarified.  Is this an army of men or demons?   We know China, Japan, and India can put together that number of troops today, no problem, and many scholars predict this will be the famous army from the East.  Could it be both?  Could it be men possessed by demons?  The one thing we are sure of is God is sovereign, even in this picture.  He is the one directing this judgment and purification process upon the rebellious world.  He can use or create anything to fulfill His purposes.  I think it easy to remain consistent and assume it to be primarily spiritual beings, sent to impact the physical world.  Either way, a third of mankind are killed by their fire, smoke, and sulfur that came out of their mouths and tails.  Many try to associate modern-day weaponry to these creatures.  They point to the characteristics of certain attack helicopters and jets that can maneuver and fire from their mouths and tails.  I believe John would have told us if they were machines.  The text is clear they are grounded to earth, on horseback.  Tanks?  You're welcome.
    It is also clear that the rest of mankind that wasn't killed still did not repent of their sins.  It reminds me of Pharoah's hard heart, still unrepentant even after those nasty plagues God inflicted in his day.  Now, these guys continued to worship demons and idols.  They weren't remorseful of their murders, sorceries, sexual immoralities, and thefts.  Sorceries is translated as "pharmaceuticals" or drugs.  We have reason to believe that as evil continues to exist, our drug problem will continue to grow.  It is likely those suffering emotional and physical pain in the Tribulation will be seeking relief by using  pain medications and escape by using recreational drugs.  Have you ever tried to work with someone who just won't repent?  Have you found someone that doesn't seem to have a "rock bottom"?  There are those that simply refuse to cooperate.  I haven't figured out a way to work with this kind of person.  It's a dreadful feeling, when you discover you aren't able to effectively influence someone in a positive way.  I think this is what God is up against, where grace seems to fall short, in the face of continued obstinacy and rebellion along with the demand for entitled independence.  Mercy, Lord.  They know not what they do.  
    What is the answer in light of these horrible judgments in this chapter?  We either pray or prey.  But we aren't praying, are we?  Thankfully, we continue to learn more about prayer, but are we really praying?  And are we praying for real?  Being thankful is a good place to start for genuine prayer.  I don't know why my salvation isn't enough to keep me joyful throughout my every-day existence.  I seem to move away from that thought and on to the drama du jour.  Why couldn't my salvation be enough to inspire joy more often?  Indeed, there are many important things in this life, but none as important as your decision regarding Jesus Christ.  "What think ye of Christ?"  "Who do you say I am?"  How are you doing with your priorities?  Idols?  Activities?  Devotions?  Distractions?  
    And that's just the beginning!  As I remember what God has done in my life and others around me, I can truly be thankful.  As I think about heaven, that brings me into thankfulness.  Those are but bookend examples of praying with thankfulness, leading to praise and worship of God.  Further, He already knows our requests and needs.  The answers to those prayers are not difficult for Him.  He can heal that marriage, dissolve that cancer, or whatever in the blink of His eye.  He is looking for so much more, involving our improved relationship with Him, our faith, our trust, our belief, our hope, His character developed within us, His impact on others through us, our witness and testimony, and so on.  All of this is to fulfill His purposes and plans.  It broadens and deepens our understanding and perspective on the world and circumstances.  Our participation brings Him glory.  Turn to 2Chronicles 7:14 and spend some time there.  "If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."  Notice God mentioning locusts and plagues in verse 13, previously.  Interesting.

    Song by First Friday Band:

    "I've been unfaithful.  I've been untrue.  Will You hear me crying to You?  
Chorus: "If My people who are called by My name, will be humble and pray and seek My face and turn from their ways, then I would hear you.
    "Broken, helpless, weeping I come.  I need Your mercy.  I need Your love.  
    "Forgive me for making light of Your ways.  Restore me.  Uphold me.  I need your grace.  
    "Heal me.  Mold me in the image of You.  I give my whole life.  I give it to You."