Meeting 4/30/11
"Why'd God made us?", little Sophia asked me at breakfast the other morning.  "Hmmmm....Good question.", came my response.  "This one may take a lifetime to answer and live out." 
Going through the Creation story, man and woman are the last of the creation, after the earth, light, plants, animals, and water, in no certain order.  We are the pinnacle of His works, allowing Him to rest after He called it good. 
One answer to the question, "Why God made us?" is because of love.  Made out of love, because of love, for love.  He made us to be miracles and amazing creatures of intricate design and ability.   And oh, the power to choose!  Ha!  That's what brings in the trouble, eh?
Another answer is because He wanted us to participate in His family.  We are made for Him, by Him, and from Him.  We are cut out of the same Rock, in His image, of the same family tree.  He calls us sons and daughters.  The Trinity is complete in relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  He wanted to share that with us.  He wanted to invite us into that perfect relationship.
He made us to love other people.  He empowers us to empathize and be Christ to others.  He teaches us to serve and be His representative.
He made us to love Him.  It's about our response.  He loves completely and constantly.  He never stops pursuing us.  He is the ulitimate lover.  How will we respond?  Ah, the free will thing again!  Oh, He longs for us to respond positively to His wooing.  He has done everything, gone all the way.  Nothing is lacking.  It is finished.  He has reconciled mankind to Himself.  How will you respond?  Isn't this worthy of considering everyday?  How will we walk this out in our lives?  Good question, little Sophia Kalyna.  Good question.