Taking our walk through the Gospels on a post-resurrection journey, Mark provides some interesting nuggets. Immediately, Mark records the reason for the women visiting Jesus' tomb after the Sabbath. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, the mother of James and John were coming to anoint Jesus' body with spices. Though embalming was not a practice of the Jews, this was simply an act of devotion and love. They had no idea or expectation that Jesus would be resurrected. They noticed the giant stone rolled away and then encountered the angel who informed them that "He has risen!". The angel specifically told them to "go, tell His disciples and Peter". Note, the specific mentioning of Peter. This indicates that there are spiritual beings behind the scenes that know of Peter's convicting denials of Christ. Interesting. Did Jesus already tell some folks? Could they personally witness the events on Earth? Was the angel a form of Jesus, sent for that purpose? The angel also speaks bluntly and matter-of-factly. "You will see Him in Galilee, just as He told you." It's not hard to notice the little jabs in the text, convicting these characters for their lack of belief and faith. What has He told us already that we seem to forget? What promises have we let go of? We are the same, aren't we? We forget, lose heart, give up, get weak, and don't believe. Let's get back to really having faith and deciding to believe. Let's remember His Words and hold on to His promises.
From D. Rupe: So, Mark 16:9-20 is your classic add on. You see, Mark actually wrote verses 1 thru 8, but then somewhere along the line, people back in the day thought they needed to add more to kind of bring a "better" ending to it. However, if you study Mark, this is just how he writes. He begins Mark abruptly and he ends it abruptly. One thing I learned looking into this is how Mark ends verse 8 with the word afraid, or fear. This is key because it wasn't being afraid as in afraid for their lives, but the word is phobeo or phobia, which means irrational experience. So, they were experiencing bewilderment, amazement, astonishment, wonder, no human explanations for what just happened. So, it actually ends in wonder. This amazement or wonder is all through Mark:
>> Mark 1:22 - They were amazed at His teaching Mark 1:27 - They were
>> all amazed, so that they debated among themselves Mark 2:12 - He
>> healed the paralytic, and they were all amazed and were glorifying God saying, 'We've never seen anything like this.'"
>> Mark 4:41 - He calmed the storm and they became very much afraid and they said to one another, 'Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?'"
>> Mark 5:15 - They came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-possessed sitting down clothed and in his right mind, the very mann who had had the legion and they became frightened.
>> Mark 5:33 - He healed the woman with the issue of blood and the woman fearing and trembling, aware of what had happened to her came and fell down before him.
>> Mark 5:42 - Jesus raised the little girl from the death and immediately they were completely astounded.
>> Mark 6:51 - He got in a boat and stopped the storm, walked on the water and they were utterly astonished.
>> Mark 9:6 - (transfiguration) - They became terrified Mark 9:15 -
>> Immediately when the entire crowd saw Him, they were amazed and began
>> running up to greet Him Mark 9:32 - He had just spoken of His death and resurrection, they didn't understand the statement and they were afraid.
>> Mark 10:24 - The disciples were amazed at His words.
>> Mark 10:32 - They were on the road going to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking on ahead of them and they were amazed and those who followed were fearful.
>> Mark 11:18 - Jesus goes in and attacks the temple Tuesday of Passion Week, the chief priests, scribes heard it, began seeking how to destroy Him for they were afraid of Him, for the whole crowd was astonished at His teaching.
>> Mark 12:17 - (When Jesus had escaped the confrontation with the Jewish leaders) - 'Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, to God the things that are God's, and they were amazed at Him.
>> Mark 15:5 - (Jesus stands before Pilate and doesn't say anything). "So Pilate was amazed."
>> Mark 16:5 - Entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting at the right, wearing a white robe and they were amazed.
>> So Mark then ends the chapter in verse 8 with "They went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had gripped them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid."
>> It's pretty cool when you understand that this is how Mark wrote, he punctuated everything in this book. But, for some reason it was satisfying to some people back in the day so they thought they should add a bit more to kind of make the ending of Mark "better."
>> Verses 9-20 however are not just man's words, they are still actual verses taken from the other gospels.
>> Verse 9 - Luke 8:1-3
>> Verse 10 - John 20:18
>> Verse 12 - Luke24:13-32
>> Verse 13 - Luke 24
>> Verse 14 - Luke 24:36-38
>> Verse 15 - Matt 28:19
>> Verse 16 - John 20:23
>> Verse 17 & 18 - so although all the above came from scripture, these two verses are just thrown in there from these early people that tried to make the book's ending better. We do know that the Apostles were given signs and wonders and mighty deeds in Corinthians. We also know that Paul was saved from a snake bite in Acts, however, we don't have any illustration in scripture for drinking poison, so we don't know why that was put in there. Did it happen and it wasn't recorded, maybe?
Well, you have to remember that the church was beginning at this time and that this was a mystery that was being revealed to this age, so God had to give the apostles some gifts that would show that the message they were spreading to the world was a message from God. Also, the New Testament wasn't complete at this time either, so they didn't have what we have today (the whole picture). So, I believe the apostolic gifts (signs & wonders) have ceased when the last apostle died (John). The apostles did the job that Christ told them to do and today we have what we need to continue that message without actually needing those gifts. People can now go back to the New Testament to read about how this church age began and why. It's brilliant!
Thanks, Rupe! Couldn't have said it better myself!
After Jesus was taken up to heaven to be seated at the right hand of God, the disciples went out and preached everywhere. They were on fire for the Lord, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Mark noted "the Lord worked with them". I love this cooperation of effort. He sent them out, but He was with them, and worked right beside them. Don't forget that in your callings. Also, we need to cooperate with Him and join Him where He's working. We don't need to sit back and dream up what to do for God. Simply, look around, see where He's working, and join Him in the effort.