The Gospel of John, 4/18/15
John 7:1-24. It's Fall, six months later, and six months before Jesus' death. Many had turned back and walked with Jesus no more. They couldn't handle the thought of cannibalism and eating His flesh and drinking His blood. And wouldn't you know it, just as so many stories go, just when everything was building and growing and going well, things turn for the worst. The opposition rises up in anger and hatred toward Jesus. The Jewish leaders now want to kill Him. Why? He points out their sin. He points to their need for a Savior. Seems nobody wants their shortcomings pointed out to them. It stirs up pride and defensiveness. Ever notice that in your life? You go to the person that committed the offense, and they get mad at you! Amazing.
Jesus was the first born of Mary. After Him, she had several other children. After the resurrection, they would come to believe, even to writing the books of James and Jude as giant disciples making a difference in the world.
Jesus lived and moved according to the Father's schedule. This proves that it is truly possible to allow the Holy Spirit to influence our schedules. How we doin' with that?
Verse 17 is a huge encourager to obey God's word. There must be an attitude of love for the word of God. There must be a belief in its benefit to our lives. It must become the solid foundation of truth we can stand on during storms of struggle and opposition. We can only truly have life abundant by staying in the word and having the word stay in us. We must do what we know to do. That obedience will lead us into more truth of knowing what to do. If we are willing, God will make it real to us by the Holy Spirit. I'm reminded of John 1, "what do you want?". Do I want to hear God? Do I believe He wants to speak to me? Do I want to live for my glory or for His? Do I want to be found true and real at the end of the day? Read His word in the power of His Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit, it's nothing more than dead words. The Spirit brings His word to life and yields real, good (God) fruit. Enjoy the Word. It's a partaking of Him. It's Him entering in and becoming a part of you. It's you and Him becoming one. That's eating His flesh and drinking His blood.