Meeting 4/18/14
 Easter Life.  I can think of no better way to end our study of Life than to dwell on the Easter story.  In Luke 24, the two women found the empty tomb on Easter morning.  Where was Jesus?  Two angels speak into our hearts, "why do you look for the living among the dead?".  I can sense the Lord piercing my heart with the same question.  Am I looking for life in dead things?  Jesus isn't there.  

Then, on the road to Emmaus, two guys are talking about the events of the weekend, obviously depressed.  Jesus disguises Himself, and come up beside them.  "What are you discussing?"  Their answers are weak and without knowledge and faith.  How many times do I respond to circumstances and events without knowledge and faith.  I'm way off base in that moment.  And He rips them for their lack of faith and belief.  Then He proceeds to explain everything about Himself through the scriptures, even beginning with Moses and all the Old Testament.  Folks, if you haven't figured it out yet, this life is about Jesus.  That's it.  He's the One.  It ain't about us.  We need to get over it and be a people of faith and belief in Him alone.  We need to be in our bibles to let Him speak to us and begin to reveal His character to us.  "Didn't our hearts burn while He talked to us on the road and opened up the scriptures to us?", they commented.  It's real, y'all.  The Holy Spirit dwelling in us lights our hearts on fire when our "eyes" are opened to the things of God.  We need to be open to receive His presence and teachings.  

​The disciples were also depressed in the upper room when Jesus barged in and said, "Peace".  He invaded their lives in His perfect timing and His perfect purpose.  He knows what we need.  We need peace in this life.  We are so selfish and twisted, we are somewhat blind to what He is really doing at times.  We should be open to receive His peace and grace.  "Why are you troubled and why do doubts rise in your minds?"  We need to stay focused on what's important in this life.  The broken world brings troubles.  Our finite minds sprout seeds of doubt.  The snake loves these two things.  But we can overcome these things through the power of Jesus.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Jesus asked.  May we share our meals in His presence.  He loved to eat with His people.  It was a big deal to Him.  We should dine with Him.  We should also share every other part of our lives with Him as well.  It's a scene of intimacy, eating together as friends and family.  "Then He opened their minds to understand the scriptures."  Oh, how we desperately need this renewal and transformation of our worldly minds.  If we are willing, He is able.  Let's do this.  Let's truly live.  Let's continue to carry the Easter story with us, alive and well, burning in our hearts as students of Life.