The Gospel of John, 4/4/15
John 6:1-21. Let's not respond like Philip, where we leave Jesus out of the equation. If you have 5 loaves + 2 fish + Jesus, you've got something. Let's factor Jesus into our storms, challenges, struggles, and issues immediately. Notice when the disciples finally welcomed/invited Jesus into the boat, they immediately reached their destination. He is the factor that brings success. Left to our own meager resources, we will continually fail or fall short.
The crowd only wanted what Jesus could give them. What about us? Do we just want His blessings and gifts or do we want Him in relationship? What do we love more? Him or His signs in our lives? I pray we will consider this point and choose to seek after Him above all else. I've got some work to do in this area, myself. Besides, next week we are going to see what happens when the crowd doesn't prove they want Jesus above His gifts. Many will give up and desert Him. Not a good day.
The Sea of Gallilee is 700 feet below sea level. The cliffs that tower above it are around 3000 feet in elevation. Jesus was up there. That's where the wind came down from. The cool air sinks and causes great turbulence upon the waters. The disciples were experienced sailors and were accustomed to frequent violent storms. The old legend told of a ghost that received the sailors' souls when their boats capsized. So when they saw Jesus walking on the water, they thought the old grim reaper ghost was coming to take them! Are we looking for ghosts in our storms? We need to immediately factor in Jesus in our problems and look for Him to arrive. We need to expect Him to show up. We should be full of faith, not fear. One can't exist in the presence of the other.
It's timely that the Jon Courson sermon on this very passage was done exactly a year ago today. It's uncanny that the timing of the story was on Passover. It's pretty neat that we are experiencing this passage of scripture on Passover, on Easter weekend. What is our Easter response this year? May it be like the little boy that brought his meager 5 loaves and 2 fish. "Here it is, Lord. It may not be much, but it's all I have. Do with it what you will." Jesus will take it, break it, give thanks, bless it, multiply it, distribute it to others, and bring glory to the Father because of it.
Thank you, God, for sending Jesus to accomplish victory over the consequences of my sin. Thank you for loving me that much. Your grace is amazing to where I don't get what I deserve. I believe in the satisfying sacrifice of your body and your blood to be sufficient to cover the punishment my sins deserve. You, alone, are worthy of my worship and life response of submission and surrender. Take my life as the 5 loaves and 2 fish and make something of it for your glory. Help me to practice peace amid the storms of life, for I have available to me the power of your Holy Spirit to do this. My peace will be a witness and testimony to others observing. May your light and life be evident in me. Thank you for Easter. May I continually remember it all year long.