AFC Meeting 03/30/02
Unit 9:  Experiencing God Through Obedience.
    Clay Ennis Hand groggily rolled over in bed only to be startled awake by a voice singing, "Take Me To The River.".  He lifted the down comforter to see his Big Mouth Billy Bass staring at him, tail wagging. 
    Stretching his legs, he took inventory of the many bruises causing this overwhelming soreness.  "Note to self:  add salt to flavor these rubber soled shoes next time I try to stick my foot in my mouth."
    He and his wife had been at his station's family Easter cookout the prior evening.  The kids were running around filling their baskets with prize-laiden eggs.  The women seemed congregated around a picnic table while the men hovered by the barbeque grill.  Soon the conversation among the men turned to fishing and they spontaneously planned a day trip for the Monday after Easter.  They decided to reconvene their meeting at their favorite pool hall later that night.
    "Have you forgotten our tradition of coloring eggs with the kids the night before Easter?" Clay's wife chastened after she caught wind of their plans.
    "I figured you could do it this year, honey.  It's kind of more of a girl thing anyway, right?" Clay responded sappily.
    "You're impossible!" she sighed, throwing her hands on her hips.  "It was your idea to start this tradition in the first place!".  She stomped off.
    "Troubles on the home front, Clay?" the cook jabbed, handing him a cold beverage.
    "You know women.  Can't live with 'em..."
    "Can't kill 'em!" the others resounded in unison, exploding into laughter at their own little joke among hunting buddies.
    The joke carried across the yard and stopped her in her tracks.  Spinning on her heels she marched back toward the huddled men.  Clay was backing away from her icy stare.  She lit into him like he was a punching bag, throwing effective blows and kicks from multiple angles.  He had taught her well, making sure she had mastered protective measures for self-defense.  He took the punishment deservedly and surrendered on his back.
    "Have a nice trip - honey." she dripped sarcastically, kicking grass into his face.
    Some things we just know, as if learned by experience.  Though they may be difficult to explain to others, they are uniquely engrained in our own minds.  It is similar to reading a book about a subject, but not really having an understanding of it until you experience it first-hand.
    The same thing goes with God.  His greatest desire is for everyone to come to know Him intimately and personally.  We can read about who He is in the Bible, but until we actually experience Him working in our lives we cannot fully know Him.
    How do we come to the point where we know Him?  We obey His teachings and He will reveal Himself by working through us.  Obedience is our way of expressing our love back to God.  "Jesus replied, 'If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching.  My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.'" (John 14: 23)
    Let us consider this:  "Now this is eternal life:  that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.  I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." (John 17: 3-4) To God be the glory.

Next week:  Unit 10:  God's Will and the Church.