John 5:19-47. First, a side note on St. Patrick's Day. The actual factual story is about an English man sold into slavery and transported to Ireland. He escaped and fled back to England. He then became saved and went back to Ireland as a missionary. He used the three leaf Shamrock/clover to describe the beautiful, mysterious Trinity-the symbol of perfect relationship. My, how the world has twisted this story into a seasonal reason to party! And now we are on the cusp of Easter where rabbits and eggs multiply bountifully. In that first Easter season, this week the people laid down palm branches upon his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, singing praises and shouting acclamations to hail Him the King of Glory. A week later they would kill Him.
We need to realize the status of the world and its people today and where it's going. We've seen evidence of satan at work in at least three key areas: first, the dissolution of sexual boundaries and purity; second, the fission of the family/marriage structure; and thirdly, the modern rejecting of authority, refusing to submit, determined to do their own will, entitled, blaming others, making excuses, unwillingness to cooperate, angry, embittered, etc. These traits describe and identify the character of people we live with today. It's a world that is in desperate need of our Savior's redemption.
This section of John has mostly red letters in it, meaning this is Jesus' response to those Jewish leaders that are disapproving of His healing on the Sabbath. Since I don't want or intend to be on the receiving side of this very pointed discourse, I'd like to summarize the passage with somewhat of a list of declarations as my responses to these elements that describe the perfect family living in a fallen world.
*I do nothing by my own self. I'm submitted to the Father. I do what I see Him doing.
*I allow the Father's love to impact my life. We are going to do great things together.
*I go to my Father as the source of my life. He will bring life and light through me.
*I honor Jesus as highly exalted as the Father.
*I believe upon Jesus' words and realize He graces me eternal life, therefore.
*I'm a new creation, crossed over from death to life. For this, I am thankful.
*I am a living miracle of Jesus breathing life into a dead vessel. There will be others that join me.
*I don't testify about myself, but give glory to God for my personal story and testimony.
*I don't live for human accolades or approval. I receive my validation from God alone.
*The fruit in my life gives testimony to the Father's work.
*I hear His voice in scriptures and have His word in my heart. It inspires me to take action.
*I believe Jesus, the One who was sent to save me.
*I believe the scriptures testify about Jesus, even the Old Testament.
*I come to Jesus as my wellspring of life.
*I have the love of God in my heart.
*I bring God glory with my life.
*I believe what You say, Lord.
*Let Thy will be done in all of my relationships in family, work, church, hobbies, and friends.
*Reign in every area of my life, Lord.