We returned home from Ukraine one year ago today. So surreal. Two things I could use are peace and rest. I feel I have aged at least ten years in the past year. Progressing and accomplishing so many things with the kids has taken its toll on me! So this morning I was reminded of some truths about peace and rest. I was remembering Jesus sleeping in the stern of the boat while the storm raged on. The old salts in the boat were scared out of their minds. Must have been some storm to get them so anxious. They were very experienced sailors and were accustomed to violent storms hitting quickly in that area. So they were afraid they may die. This is the same angle the scary movies take. Doing their worst, the bad guy or boogie man 'gets' you, by killing you and that's the end of your story. Of course, this is just a reminder for us not to be scared of death, for our destiny is solid and secure with Jesus. So what is His comments after they woke Him up in their fear? "Ye of little faith." Interesting. Remember just a little while before this where He was teaching people to not worry and He said the same exact words. So I take it He wants us to have faith? I propose this faith is directly tied to our peace. Our peace from His peace. His peace becomes our peace. We're gonna make it. Things are okay. These are very reassuring words. Especially when you're just not feeling good about things. You know, when you are worn out and weakened from a long term storm that you were sure would have let up by now? May I remember the truth.