Life. One of the key elements of life is our words. They are powerful beyond measure. They can make or break you and/or someone else, sometimes even a whole lot of someone elses. The scriptures are full of references to the mighty power of our words, but today we just focused on 2 Tim. 4:2, "Preach the Word". We noticed that Word was capitalized in some translations but not in others. Interesting. I liked the capitalized version best, for we understand Paul encouraging us to get fired up about the gospel story as the "word". We've studied that in past weeks. We have to love the good news of Jesus' purpose for coming and what He accomplished. It's an amazing story to represent well with our responses in how we live and act. And we should never be ashamed of it. But the capitalized Word tells me something a little different. The Word is Jesus, as in John 1:1. Simply, I need to speak words of the Word. I need to be speak Jesus. People should hear Jesus when I talk. Whooaaa!! That's heavy! And, yes, I really feel serious conviction about this. Oh, I have so much continued, daily work to do in this area! Forgive me, Lord, for I tend to speak only Self. So, my repentance is my continued turning to a decision to speak the Word. If I'm staying in the Word's Word, He promised the Spirit would help me remember what to say. He says He's changing my heart and it's from this new heart that my words will come from. I sure want to see victory in this.
Paul continues in 2Tim 4 to say for us to be ready at all times to preach the Word. It's good for correcting/convincing, rebuking, and exhorting/encouraging. How can we correct/convince others if we ourselves aren't being corrected and all the while being convinced of the Word's truths? We must practice what we are preaching! Does anyone rebuke with the authority and power of the Word? How bout rebuking the strongholds and weaknesses in your life? How bout kindling the fire of the Spirit to finally make the maturing difference that transforms you into a Man or Woman of God? What is holding us back from giving compliments that encourage others? There is so much negativity and sarcasm in the world today, it's difficult to have any kind of real conversation. The egos and attitudes are challenging to put aside to embrace cooperation. I've noticed this evident, just in me going to someone to question them about something. Check yourself on this: can you allow someone to question you or your decisions or actions and not immediately think paranoid, prideful, or defensive thoughts? Fear and embarrassment? Be ready at all times to preach the Word. It should be coming naturally for us as His disciples. Actually, it should be flowing supernaturally! If He is living in us, it is He that should be coming out of us!
We looked at the song lyrics of Hawk Nelson's "Words" and Toby Mac's "Speak Life". Check it out. Good stuff. Happy Birthday, Shrubs. I pray I speak the Word into your lives.