The Man of Patience
The Man of Patience knows humility.  He is a man that practices selflessness.  He is a man that is experienced in daily surrender, submission, and trusting of his Father.  A passage in 1 Peter discusses trials that test your faith, in turn, producing patience.  Patience is a fruit of being continually connected to the Spirit.  So the disciples in the boat during the bad storm could have demonstrated patience, a result of the faith Jesus was hoping to see from them.  The fruit of peace can also be present during these trials.  Uncertainty seems to be a common theme in life these days.  It's one of God's ways of confounding the wise in a world that revolves around obtaining as much information as possible, so that we can then make "sound" judgments.  We call it wisdom.  I think it's worldly wisdom that discounts the power of God and His will in our circumstances.  He is looking for faith in Himself.  He is hoping we don't count Him out in our circumstances, in spite of knowledge and details.  My favorite verses apply here: "Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." (Prov. 3:5-6)  Also, Peter wrote to humble yourself and He will lift you up in due time.  I believe this can mean He will lift you above your circumstances in victory.  He will presently hold you steady and strong through it.  He will not allow you to succomb to the effects of a particular set of events.  Our part is to continually practice the action of patience.  This is where the trusting, believing, and peace-ing happens.  Patience is also a state of mind.  It is a conscious decision to stand on the truth about God and His presence in your challenge.  The devil wants us to fear and panic, as if everything were falling apart.  God wants us to act on our belief that nothing can stop His fulfilling of His purpose and His will in your life.  We must continue to daily surrender, take up our cross, and walk with Him.  We realized today that all of the traits we've been studying about "The Man" seem to be closely related.  This is true because it's not about "what" we are cultivating inside of us, it is "who".  As we, the branches, remain attached and connected to the vine, we will see the miraculous occur.  We will see His life and characteristics in us.  This is His will and good pleasure to do this.  This is where the impossible becomes possible.  So, may we have real, true, and strong faith.  And allow faith to produce the patience and peace that is available to us during our trials and uncertainties.  Stay connected.  Keep trusting.  Practice patience.