Meeting 3/15/14
Life On Fire by the Spirit of God.
Life:  a look at 2Tim. 1.  As students of Life, we should have an expectancy to see our lives characterized by some of the aspects mentioned in 2Tim:1.  An apostle is set apart because he is drawing his life from Christ.  Jesus is now his source of life.  And history has an effect in this participation.  Just as others who have gone before us, if we will continue to mature in our faith, our kids can benefit and avoid becoming a generation plagued by the devastating effects of sin.  

Being a backpacker, I know the positive nature of a good campfire.  It provides light and heat in a remote setting.  Its presence is peaceful and comforting.  It changes the environment around me.  It is the focused center of the camp.  We cook on it, get warmed by it, have deep conversations around it, and contemplate life as we poke sticks into it!  Further, besides the Burning Bush, every other fire on the planet has eventually gone out either on its own or by the hands of firefighters.  No fire is still burning.  They all go out.  So, we have to do our part in keeping the campfire burning.  Actually, this part of camp chores requires quite a bit of effort, gathering firewood and constantly tending the fire to make sure it doesn't die out.  

I believe the spiritual application is very real.  When Paul says to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you, he is reminding us that we have the indwelling presence of God, in the form of His Holy Spirit.  We need to love that and tend to it.  We need to stay in His word and participate in relationship with Him.  We need to continue to surrender and allow His influence to lead in our lives.  We need to allow His life to flow through ours.  And this Spirit doesn't make us timid or fearful.  In fact, He is a spirit of boldness, power, and self-discipline.  I like the translation that says "sound mind" also, because I believe He is a very balanced Savior and is the solid foundation for us to find the strength to stand amid strong opposition and hardships.  

A life on fire for God should not include being ashamed of our Lord.  Nor should we shy from the fact that suffering is a real part of a disciple's life.  Our life should be characterized by the truth of Jesus saving us.  We should testify to His grace and purpose for our lives.  The awesome power and truth of the gospel story should flow freely from our lips.  It should provide the motivation to respond to Him with love and thankfulness.  

A life on fire for God includes being a herald, apostle, and a teacher-which probably will lead to suffering of some sort.  You will at least suffer internally, as you struggle in denying yourself and your selfish desires to let the Spirit lead.  But we can trust our Savior.  He is guarding the deposit of the Holy Spirit in us.  He is praying and providing for us.  He has the best plan for our lives.  He wants us to experience how amazing His love is for us and have the world see Him through us.   And He can't wait for us to finally come home to be with Him forever.  

If there is someone the Holy Spirit puts into your mind, please be encouraged and motivated to respond however possible.  If it means a phone call, text, email, or a personal visit, just do it.  At least pray for them.  Don't miss out on a divine appointment that God Himself has designed just for you to participate in.  People's lives are at stake here.  He wants to make a difference through us.  Paul had everyone desert him, save a few close friends.  I believe people fled because they didn't want to accept suffering as a part of following Christ.  Remember Peter's words?  He told Jesus that He shouldn't have to suffer and die.  Jesus told him he was thinking in the ways of men, not in the ways of God.  We need to get over it and accept the fact that there will be suffering in this life.  There are still too many people that are living afraid of this and trying to do everything in their power to avoid it, then when it comes knocking on their door, they immediately stray from the Lord's perspective on the purpose and reason for suffering.  I know Paul was in a literal, nasty prison, in chains.  I haven't been imprisoned, but I can relate to the feeling of unsupported loneliness as I've struggled through suffering that doesn't seem to have an end in sight.  We were made to have brothers and sisters in Christ to help encourage and support each other through good and bad times.  I love the fact that Paul mentioned one friend in particular.  Onesiphorus, I call him 'Big O', searched long and hard for Paul in Rome until he found him.  May we have the same drive and determination should the Lord put someone on our hearts to go help and encourage.  Now, there's an example of a life on fire for God by the power of the Spirit.