Meeting 3/14/20
Col. 1:24-29
Paul's suffering has a purpose and he knows it. This is very convicting this morning. He says he rejoices and is filled up because of this suffering. Oh, how I wish I could cultivate this mindset about suffering. There's still more maturing to be done in me. And that's okay. He mentions it later in this passage. The goal is to present everyone fully mature in Christ. God's aim is to develop Christ's character in us, conforming us into His image, that the world may know Him, for His glory.
I need constant reminding and encouragement in this process. It's all too easy to get wrapped up in what we are doing in this world. We need to remember that even in whatever we are having to do or go through, the overarching goal is to become mature in Christ. It helps to continually revisit the idea of simply cooperating with God in His agenda. Let's be more about His business. Let's see where He's working and join Him in His efforts. Maybe we struggle being successful in this when we are more about our agenda or business at hand, losing awareness of spiritual activity and movement.
We are blessed to be able to know the full counsel of the Word of God. He has been gracious enough to reveal it to us. This mystery had been hidden for ages, but now is disclosed to us. That's good news to not take for granted. He's given us everything we need for this life. We know more now than ever before. Knowledge is at our fingertips. But let's not forget the focus of this story. It's all about Jesus. The sooner we accept that truth, the better. Again, I think we struggle when we drift into being about our own agendas and get caught up in our own activities. It's a process of continually returning to our center, recognizing what life is truly all about. Paul understood this very well. He spoke of his battle with the flesh in Romans 7. He knows our weaknesses. But he continually crucified his flesh and gave himself as a living sacrifice to serve the Lord. He joined God in His business. He was a fine representative and ambassador for Christ. He gave himself to the effort and cause. The fruit was maturity in Christ, personally. And the church was benefitted in growth, corporately. For His glory.
Notice the language toward the end of the passage. "I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me." He is our source of energy. He is our passion. He is our fire. He is our power. He is in us!
I love the James Bond movies, where he receives a new mission after completing one. "Should you choose to accept this mission...". He's calling us up, looking for a few good men and women to go on His mission. Only, in this story, His message does not self destruct....!