Meeting 3/7/20

Col. 1:15-23.

This passage just screams worship of Jesus Christ as the focal point of the Bible and all of life. It’s all about Him. It always has been. Maybe that’s difficult for us to accept because it sure seems it’s all about ourselves in this world. But this section makes it very clear: Jesus is it. What a humbling reminder to help refocus our awareness that everything was made by and for Him. He holds all things together. He is in control as the ultimate authority in the universe. He has already won the war. He’s on the throne. Is He on the throne of our hearts today? I beg you, crawl off that seat and put Him up there where He should be. This is an everyday process, for sure.

He is the Way. He is the only Way to heaven. He is the only Way to have peace about any circumstance in this world. He is the only Way we could ever be reconciled and brought near His heart.

Interesting injection in verse 23, “If you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel.” That’s a huge ‘IF’! So there’s obedience expected? There’s faith required? There’s action to be taken? There’s maturity to obtain? Indeed! Oh, how I have wavered back and forth between unbelief and belief, hope and despair, fear and faith. I’ve experienced wobbly knees and weakness when the winds of the world have blown. But you know what? Praise God, by His grace, there have been some times where He has given me the strength to stand fast in the storm. I have had faith and He has honored it faithfully. I’ve believed and He has proven to be good. I have trusted Him and He has given peace.

Listen, friends:  Within that short verse is a long list of failures, but over time, valuable experience is gained. This anchoring does not happen overnight. Please, please, please give yourself grace here and know that He perfectly understands that. He does pray and hope and expect our growth and maturity. We are called to continue living in Him, keep establishing our beings in Him, and solidifying our faith. We are encouraged to stand fast and not move away from hope. And what is this Hope? Jesus is our only Hope. His death was the complete substitution for our sin. It should’ve been us on that cross, but He paid the punishment my sin deserved. He promised His righteousness be imputed to us that we might be with Him for eternity. It’s grace. It’s the gospel story. It’s amazing love. Thank You, Lord Jesus. It’s all about You. You deserve all the honor and glory and praise. I can’t wait to see You one day. Help me be strong in the winds of this world and finish my race.