Meeting 2/28/20
Col. 1:1-14.
What's an apostle? Compared to a disciple? It seems a disciple is a student, but an apostle is a disciple that's turned into a teacher and messenger. He is chosen and set apart as highly esteemed. "By the will of God". Paul knows he doesn't deserve grace. It's only by the will of God that he is even still alive. God is making all of this possible.
We need to be living lives that include thankfulness at the core. We should be encouraged by other believers walking the walk and talking the talk. We need to be praying for others and not so concerned for our own welfare. We should be about God's business. He sent us on the Great Commission, to share with others about His love and the Good News Gospel story of Jesus Christ. We are to make disciples or students of fellow believers. There should be growth observed as we are connected to Him and each other.
I used to have verses 9-14 written on an index card and posted on my bathroom mirror. I would read it every morning at least, attempting to digest the deep concepts. It's a mouthful, for sure! I wonder if there's a reason for the order Paul listed these things? Sometimes, it seems there is an order or process to things in scripture, but I cannot be certain in this case. Either way, the Word is so good and so beneficial, it demands our attention to applying the actions and commands listed.
Be filled with the knowledge of His will. It's not about what He wants me to do today, necessarily, but who He wants me to be and how He wants me to live.
Through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives. Not my own wisdom or understanding! Oh my! Thank You, Lord for this reminder. My favorite verses in Prov. 3:5-6 include me not leaning on my own understanding and here we have a definite distinction between the two. Help me live by the Spirit, Lord. I really struggle in this. I tend to lean on my own understanding, when I need to be expecting and relying on Your Spirit to give me Your wisdom and Your understanding.
Live a life worthy of the Lord. Live up. I'm Christ's ambassador and representative. I'm an extension of Him. When people look at me, they should see Him.
Please Him in every way. Oh, my heart is convicted here. The Spirit is reminding me about faith. The Word comes alive and reminds me that without faith, it's impossible to please God. He says, the righteous will live by faith. If they shrink back, He won't be pleased. Ouch! My puny, atrophied faith muscles are screaming out right now. Me of little faith. Oh, Lord, help me truly have faith on a daily basis. What would life look like if I did? What is faith? Maybe it's time to sink deeper into its definition so its not a shifting target? Is it simply belief? Is it trust? Is it a confidence?
Bearing fruit. It's clear, only God brings the fruit. Results are in His fruit basket, not ours. We are to put in our very best effort and commitment, and leave the results up to Him. And there are good works to participate in. He planned those out in advance. He is promoting His agenda and we get to be a part of it!
Growing in the knowledge of God. We've got to get into the Word of God and the Word of God needs to get into us. We've got the Bible, but does the Bible have us? Over time, there should be growth. He will bring fruit. There is a maturation process, that takes years and years. We never really "arrive" and are finished growing and learning.
Being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might. We must be strong in the Lord, not ourselves. What would it look like if His people lived with His power? Victory? Being conformed into His image? The disciple living, moving, and having his being, following his Rabbi?
Great endurance and patience. It's a marathon. And it's not about us. The flesh is usually quick to burn out if it doesn't get satisfied. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. Endurance is empowered and sustained by God. He is how we can keep going, in the face of struggle and hardship. He is the somehow we make it to the finish line. He is with us, behind us, and in front of us. Keep going, in His power.
Giving joyful thanks. You picked me? I'm not worthy. It's surreal. He has made me worthy. He has made it reality. He is my salvation. He is my hope. He is my way to heaven. He is the only way. Thank You, Lord. Amazing grace, I don't deserve. It will be cool to see all the saints that have gone before me. I can't even imagine what that will be like. Heroes of faith. Hmmmm... What about my faith again? What will they think of me? Where will I fit in the picture?
Rescue. I've been down that road. I remember the smell. I also remember the embrace of the Father when I turned around. It was His love that changed everything. And this is the gospel story of good news we proclaim: through Jesus, we have redemption and the forgiveness of sins. Amen.