Thyatira, 600-1517ad. Satan continued his schemes to destroy the church and discredit the purity of Christ. In the time of Pergamos, he introduced corruption by intermarrying the church with political power to bring relief to the harsh persecutions they were enduring. The church actually grew weaker. Now that Christians were in power, they were compromising even more to retain that position of influence. They would now declare that they would have to be tolerant of other faiths to keep their place of power. Welcome to the Dark Ages. Now, we know why it was such a dark time.
Thyatira means "continual sacrifice and continual feast". It was a working town of guilds and unions. Their specialty was linens, fabrics, and fashionable apparel. Lydia, mentioned by Paul in Acts, was from here, known for her famous purple cloths.
The Roman Catholic church had developed from Babylonian principles. Babylonian religion was a perversion of true Christianity. They wore a fish on their pointed hats, representing Dagon-half fish, half man. Their beliefs centered around a mother and child. They worshipped the mother more than the child. The mother was known as the Queen of Heaven. This melded into the worship of Mary. Each time mass is offered, they believe Christ to be sacrificed again, though the Bible is clear there was one sacrifice for all. They believed that continual sacrificing and continual feasting was required for salvation. They believed the bread and wine were actually transformed into the body and blood of Jesus. They stopped reading their bibles and started selling indulgences. One could buy back forgiveness or tickets into Purgatory for dead loved ones.
Jezebel was an actual woman, but also represents a satanic spirit of idolatry and fornication. Making the eucharist or communion into an idol means spiritual fornication, or worshipping another god. She wasn't Jewish. She was a pagan heathen. She brought in the prophets of Baal, a false religious system. She was extremely seductive and alluring. She seduced Israel to compromise their beliefs. Remember Elijah challenging her prophets to a showdown on Mt. Carmal in 1Kings. Good stuff. Jezebel helped Rome gain land by executing Christians. Today, the Vatican is the richest place in the world due to their prolific land acquisitions. A resistance of true Christians would rise up, trying to get bibles into the peoples' hands, wanting them to read and pray, but the Catholics killed these men, declaring only the priesthood should have the power. They were about money, power, fancy clothes, appearances, and works. Their works developed into extensive humanitarian projects, charitable organizations, and peace movements- all very popular and trendy, even in present cultures.
Let's talk about Mary. Mary would be appalled to find out people were worshipping her and not Jesus. Even as she was the greatest among women, she knew it wasn't about her. Her last words written in the bible were from early in Jesus' ministry, at the wedding feast, just before His first recorded miracle. She would tell the servants to do whatever her Son told them to do. Friends, that's what we need to hear today. Let's do whatever He tells us to do. It's about Him. He's the one the book is about. It's the Revelation of Jesus Christ in our hearts. Let's place the Bible as the authoritative Word in our daily practice of faith. Let's be reading His love letter to us.
In the text, Jesus is talking directly to the pastor of this church. He comes in power, as the Son of God, not the Son of Man. He comes in judgment and warning. He is proving His patience, giving them ample time to repent. He has waited over a thousand years for this church to repent. There has been no change. In fact, Rome boasts that she never changes- siemper diem ("always the same"). He doesn't want anyone to perish, but He died so everyone could live with Him for eternity. Those that refuse to repent will go through great tribulation. Some will convert and follow Jesus. Some will continue in the spirit of Jezebel. These, and their children that follow suit, will experience the second death and eternal separation from God.
Jesus is affirming that this isn't about our works, but celebrating the completion of His works- His one-time sacrifice and propitiation for our sins. He is proclaiming the truth, as the Authority, that we are to be about loving Him and having a personal relationship with Him. We are to be genuine believers, actually doing what He says in His Word.
There are many peripheral cultural issues, not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. These have become modern-day distractions for the church. Jesus is clear in directing us to maintain our focus on Him. There is enough that is clear in the Bible to keep us fully engaged, busy, and completely satisfied until we see Him face to face. If it's not in the Bible, don't worry about it. If it's in there, do it. If it contradicts His word, stay away from it.
An interesting futuristic element is mentioned by Jesus in this passage. During the time of His Millennial Kingdom, we saints that have already died and are in heaven, will help rule the nations of humans that continue to multiply and occupy the earth. This will be all new, all Jesus' creation of new ways. We will be His representatives, helping the masses of people stay away from sin and continue on the path of following Jesus. May we be those representatives and ambassadors even today, pointing other people to the love and grace of Jesus. He loves you so very much. I pray we all rest and be held in His love. He promises to give us the Morning Star. What is that reward? It's Himself. That's proof that is all we need and that is all we should be about- the Revelation of Jesus Christ in our lives, that the world may know. Will you join me and help me also be about living for His glory?