We take but a small diversion today, not very far off the beaten path from where we've been walking. We've been delving into the element of Faith this year, especially in connection to the two Greatest Commandments of loving God and loving other people.
In Matthew, great crowds of people were following Jesus. He went up on a mountainside to teach. This section is therefore rich in red letters as we listen to our Savior speak to our hearts. We observe Him fulfilling the law, expounding on subjects with depth and authority, unparalleled up to this time. It's here where He clarifies what the law is really about-the heart. He explains examples such as 'don't murder', but if you're angry at your brother, you're just as guilty. If you've looked at a woman lustfully, you've committed adultery. It's in the section about 'Do Not Worry', that He hit the people where they lived. "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matt 6:33) Not only is He teaching them to not worry, but He's also teaching them how to live. They were toiling about, busy with building their little kingdoms, and fretting and fussing about their own lives. They were more concerned with themselves and their righteousness-plus the worldliness of riches, pleasure, comforts, etc. Sounds familiar, right?
Notice the definitive connection to faith in 6:30b, "You of little faith." This morning I'm connecting the profound question in John 1:38 to Jesus' direction in Matt. 6:33. In the very first recorded words of Jesus in John's gospel, Jesus turns to ask the disciples following Him, "What do you want?" or "What do you seek?" This question continues to cut to the core of my life. It is a lighthouse type of question that clearly lacerates to the marrow of my motives, attitudes, and perspectives. What am I seeking? Is it His kingdom and His righteousness or my own? I have found this question to be useful and practicle for everyday life. I'm honestly trying to get this straight, continually going to the Doctor for this heart check up. If we succeed in this lifestyle and mindset Jesus is describing, a promise follows, "And all these things will be added to you." So, He's going to provide everything we need, either by fulfilling them with Himself, or providing other solutions to satisfy. We can trust Him for that. All those things we worry and fret about? He's promising to take care of those things. He understands we have longings and desires for many things in this life. He knows how to satisfy our hearts. Sometimes He may even change our hearts, over time, to where our old desires either fade or change themselves. He may develop new desires that inspire you, things you never even anticipated. Truth is, He can and will align our desires with His own, if we will continue following after Him as disciples, seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness.
One key element is we have to get to know Him. It has been made clear to us that He desires relationship with us. To have an intimate relationship, we have to get to know Him better and better. It's very similar to the model of human relationships we have today. Take marriage, for example. You have to get to know them. To promote unity and intimacy, you discover what your spouse likes and doesn't like. You stay away from what they don't like and pursue the things they do like. Simple as that, right?
Similarly, in relationship with the Lord, we begin agreeing with His perspective and cooperating with His plans. We start to become like Him. We adopt His ways and words, where we walk, talk, and even think like Him. We can be like some elderly couples you see wearing the same, unique shirts they had printed up together! We need to know His Word, allow His Spirit to influence us, and depend on Him to help accomplish these things.
Lauren Daigle has a song out currently, called "First", I highly recommend checking out. All He wants is your heart. Seek Him first.