Meeting 2/11/17
    "That you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." Rom. 1:12.  What Christian believer wouldn't want that?  Oh, how I need continual encouragement and inspiration!  We all need this, if we are honest.  Somehow, my having and living by faith encourages others to do the same.  Lord, direct me to those who are living on faith, that I may be encouraged as well.  Now, how about this:  "Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who by grace has loved s and given us eternal comfort and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good word and deed." 2 Thes. 2: 16-17.  That's the kind of business He's in!
    Now, to our business:  "We sent Timothy, our brother and God's fellow worker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith." 1 Thes. 3:2.
    There you have it.  Faith is the business of both God and us.  Let's do this!  Considering the trials Jesus promised we would suffer through, remember we were born into a spiritual war, and God is counting on our faith.  "Though He slay me, yet will I hope/trust in Him." Job 13:15.  That's amazing faith, considering the losses Job suffered.  Plus, he didn't even have the Bible like we do today!  As we learned in Revelation, when we stand strong in belief and have faith in our trials, it brings glory to God and silences Satan's accusations at the throne in heaven.  Our faith really matters.  It really makes a difference in the spiritual realms!  Imagine the creatures, angels, and saints becoming aware of any moments we exercise faith muscles.  I'd like to think it empowers their praise to God around the throne.  I also love to picture that snake shriveling up and slinking away with his proverbial tail tucked between his legs (if snakes had legs).
    Indeed, sometimes we reap the consequences of some of the decisions and choices we sow, but sometimes suffering, loss, and struggle are simply consequences of living in a fallen world.  It's nothing personal in those cases.  The Holy Spirit will help illuminate the situations, as He did with Job.  Job was truly able to state his case that he didn't deserve the suffering that had come upon him.  His story reminds us that God is in control, no matter how difficult circumstances present themselves.  He's betting on us.  He's praying for our faith.  Let's choose faith.  Let's bring God glory and silence the slithering tongue of the snake.
    "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness." 2Pet. 1:3.  He has provided everything we need to make it through this life.  If He brings you to it, He'll bring your through it!  For every appointment, comes a special anointment!  He always prepares us for what lies ahead.  He's a good Father.  We can trust Him.  Believe.  Have faith.  
    I'd like us to picture being in heaven.  When we are finally there after all this struggle here on Earth.  I don't know about us having regrets about how we lived in our past at that point, but here we are, finally in heaven, for eternity.  I believe we are going to discover there is more to God's rewarding of blessings and responsibilities than we understood.  It makes sense.  Currently, we can't truly describe what heaven will be like because God didn't give us much of a blueprint or eyewitness account. We can't hardly fathom what life will be like or what our part will be in heaven.  Revelation also eludes to God's rewards being a much bigger deal than we thought.  I think if we understood how big of a deal they are, it would motivate us to have faith today.  Our earthly life is extremely short in duration compared to eternity with Christ.  He's not asking too much of us.  That chronic pain or injury or suffering only lasts a brief moment in time.  His reward is going to flood those moments with overwhelming joy.  Let's take heart and have faith during the short time on this planet.  Be motivated to be serious in committed relationship now.  It'll be worth it both now and for eternity.  It will bring victory, peace, life, and light into our lives right now.  Faith.  Just do it.