AFC Meeting 2/8/03
Prayer of Jabez, Part V.
    As we close the study of the Prayer of Jabez, and finish the discussion of its four main pleas, we find we are not at an end, but a beginning.  It is a time for action, and a time for application.  We need to be praying this prayer to God from an honest heart.  It's not that we repeat the words of the prayer seventy times, and it's not how eloquent we speak it.  It's a yearning of a heart surrendered to God, that no longer wants what the selfish nature wants, but is excited and desperate to have exactly what God wants for its life - nothing more, nothing less.
    No matter our postion in the roller coaster of the Christian walk, whether we are in the high times of experiencing undeserved blessings, or during the low valleys of isolated dependence, we should just be faithful to praise and worship God.  We should just be obedient to serve someone else.  He built us that way.  As we determine to worship Him no matter what our circumstances, and couple that with the pleas of Jabez, we will start to partake in divine miracles.  God will place someone in front of us to minister to.  He will open doors to expand ministries.  He will shed light on ways to challenge our personal thoughts on theology.  In each of these things, we will see God.  He will show us a part of Himself in a unique experience so that we should never forget.  Then we carry these things as evidences of a real faith, reasons for why we believe, to be used in times of doubt or in times of plenty.  Whatever the season, we will worship God.  Then we can know that God looks upon us as "more honorable" than we would be if were trying to produce fruit under our own power.  A sinner, once separated from God because of unholiness, just pleased God by responding the way He designed us to.