Revelation 2:1-7.  The Awkward Valentine.
Jesus selected these seven churches to describe the spiritual conditions that are possible in us until He returns.  Of course, in each letter, more of Jesus is revealed.  He follows a pattern within each letter as well.  He includes a commendation, a complaint, and a correction in each.  

Ephesus was a great commercial city.  There is much interesting history about this "Light of Asia".  Paul spent three years here, working as a tentmaker, and teaching in his off hours.  A tremendous Christian population grew here.  Timothy later came to oversee the church.  John would later be the pastor.  Since Mary was given to John by Jesus while on the cross, it is believed she lived and died there, as well.

Ephesus was first founded around the temple of Diana- the goddess of fertility.  Alexander the Great rebuilt the temple after it had burned down, making it one of the Wonders of the World.  It would be the largest Greek temple ever built.  It served as a bank and an art gallery.  Within its walls, some of the most vile, sexually immoral acts ever invented were performed.  The Nicolaitans would've approved of her practices.  

The Christians in Ephesus had an unprecedented purity and intimacy with the Lord.  It may be difficult for us to comprehend such, as we have allowed the world to permeate our current societies.  These folks didn't.  They truly knew love.  They learned that from Paul, who got it from Jesus.  They truly loved God and people.  Paul made sure to feed and warn his sheep, that they would be fully equipped to be strong in the Lord and bring Him glory.  

The Ephesians were really doing the work of God.  They persevered through tough times.  They tested people that claimed they were apostles. They used the test of time and fruit inspection to discern their true colors.  They were kindly asked to leave if found to be false.  Jesus commended them for these works.

Slowly, the world began creeping into their circles.  They found themselves doing the work of God without love.  They were going through the motions, playing church.  They lost their pure motives and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Their personal relationships with Jesus were compromised and suffering.  Sound familiar?

Jesus directed them to remember how they once were with Him in a pure, love relationship.  They were to repent of their self-sufficiency, sophistication, vanity, and falsehood.  They were to turn back to Him and do the things they did at first.  Their feelings would follow their obedience.  They were to draw near to Him and He would draw near to them!  

This is where we personalize Revelation, friends.  This letter to the Ephesians is written to you, personally, from Jesus.  Look at Him in Revelation 1.  Look at Him in glory.  Consider His great love for you.  Consider He took your place on the cross and provided the solution to your sin problem.  Remember He has saved you and is your Way to heaven.  Remember He is your source of everything you need.  So, the question is, "Do you love Jesus Christ?".   This is the awkward valentine showing up at your door if you find yourself hesitating.  You know He loves you.  Do you love Him?

Return to your first love-Jesus.  Do those things you once did.  What does this look like?  It involves loving God and loving His people.  It means agreeing with His agenda for this world.  It is you surrendering your life to be used by Him.  It is you agreeing that this life is about you bringing Him glory, not yourself.  You want what He wants.  True life awaits you.  This is the way your life is maximized to make the most difference.  Do you believe it?  Will you do it?  You must trust Him whole-heartedly, in full faith.  He won't let you down.  It will be the greatest adventure, beyond your imagination and ability to control or plan.  

"Restore the joy of my salvation..." Psalm 51:12.
"I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation." Psalm 13:5.

Beautiful, by Jonah 33:

Give me just a second so I can catch my breath
 As I fall into the arms of love
 My heart is overwhelmed
 And I can barely speak
 As I'm face to face with my humanity

 See I've spent my share of time
 Pretending that I knew all of the answers
 Answers without truth
 Just the blind leading the blind away from you

 But I, I think you're still beautiful
 Enough to reach the unreachable
 And I, don't need to be tainted
 'Cause I still believe

 If a man takes what he's gained and turns it into loss
 Where does he stand?
 And if the world hates what is good
 Why do we use the world to lend a hand?


 You are still beautiful

 Why do we use a world that has tasted death
 To bringing a dying world back to life?
 Why are we so convinced that we will offend
 To show the purity of Christ?


 You are still beautiful
 You are still beautiful