AFC Meeting 2/01/03
Prayer of Jabez, Part IV.
Oh, That You Would Keep Me From Evil!
    Let us not forget who brought us to this point in our ministry thus far.  Sometimes spiritual success causes us to ride a disallusioned high as if we had gotten there ourselves.  We are very vulnerable here because we are deep in enemy territory. 
The devil's strongest attacks are against those who threaten his agenda.  Many people, failing to stay watchful, have fallen into serious sin as a result, causing their ministry to stumble.
     We have to continue to put on the armor and pray to the Father, who is in heaven, "Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.".  Jesus even prayed that "the cup" would pass, but then again not His will, but the Father's to prevail.  He prayed that evil would not come, but prepared to be empowered by God to withstand it if He intended Him to endure it.
     Satan deceives by making people think that because they are tempted, they are dirty sinners.  The temptation in itself is not sin, but is the invitation alone instead.  We should pray to God that we not even be tempted, but if we are, and we surely will, to choose not to accept the invitation.  This is the first step to a huge spiritual victory that we will carry with us as our own testimony of knowing the power of God affecting our lives in a personal, memorable way.