Meeting 1/30/14
Students of life.  That's what we are.  That's what the Israelites were in Exodus 13.  Moses was inspiring the people to remember this great day because the Lord had delivered them out of slavery with His mighty hand.  They had finally been released from bondage and found the freedom that brought them glorious life.  I relate this to salvation and sanctification.  It is our testimony that He has brought us from death to life, from slavery to freedom.  I had opportunity to practice this fresh freedom yesterday.  I remembered talking with the Lord while hunting the other day where He refreshed the truth of a miraculous transaction.  If I am truly surrendering my life to Him daily, He is becoming the owner of me.  I am no longer my own.  He is my Lord.  His life can now flow through me.  And I trust Him.  I can be free from worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, disappointment, expectations, depression, self pity, etc.  It's a power I haven't experienced to this extent up to now.  To this point, I've been making a great effort to be a man of faith, wild and courageous, fully letting go and trusting Him, and enjoying the exciting adventure of life.  Now, He showed me I can be invincible in Him.  I can be resilient to the world's devastating storms and attacks.  I can withstand anything, because it is Him now living through me.  I have that kind of power available to me.  I can be hard to kill.  Thanks, Root.  I can have eternal life, starting right now.  So back to Exodus.  He was leading them through the desert, but He led them the long way around, for the shortest route was heavily guarded.  The Israelites had their weapons with them (a key point to remember).  They were prepared for battle.  Also, remember, up to that point the Red Sea had never parted.  That seems to be the way most miracles happen- never happened before.  We must remember that as we are under the gun, feeling overwhelmed by a new circumstance.  Now, this journey of theirs was complemented by the most special thing in the universe: a cloud by day and a fire by night.  It never left them.  Sometimes, He spoke to them from it.  Amazing.  It was proof of His presence.  They could see Him and hear Him.  It was evidence of His guiding leadership and provision.  

Do we believe in this same presence and provision today?  Does He still light up the sky, guide, and talk to us?  How?  Things are different now, I agree.  But today, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us.  It is His miracle of how He can live through us.  The light of life is now coming through us, cloud by day and fire by night.  We must offer ourselves to allow this miracle of life to become a daily reality.  Reference New Testament scriptures to get a better feel of this:  John 8:12, Matt. 5:14, Phill. 2:15.  

He has come to give us life and that life is within us if we truly believe and continually surrender to His Lordship.  Be invincible.