A Man of Prayer:
Starting the New Year off on the "right foot" this year means being a man of prayer. This is the first of many characteristic traits we will be looking at in our new study. The study is about "The Man". God is calling us to be "the man" (the pronoun is gender neutral, so for you ladies, He wants you to be 'the man' also!) Throughout the Bible, we see major players and characters impacting the world around them. Papa God is writing His-story in history. Now, just as it was for them, it is our time. It's time for us to be "the man". He wants us to be good leaders, good examples, good in our positions of authority, servanthood, and stewardship. He's counting on us. He wants to impact the world through us, around us, and in spite of us! Us? Ah, the beautiful mess we are. Indeed, what is impossible for "man" is possible with God! We can do this! We can be "the man" He says we can be! As we daily surrender, daily connect, daily filled with and led by the Spirit, we somehow see Him develop His character traits in us. Sure, in mathematical terms, we notice He is subtracting negative traits. We find ourselves not saying those bad words, thinking those bad thoughts, not fearing as much, not sinning like we did, etc. But we also recognize He is adding to our lives. We have more peace, more faith, more love, etc. It equals more of Him! We realize His presence more. Our words are better. Our thoughts are better and more heavenly. Our actions are better. Our checkbooks better reflect God's influence. And on and on it goes. "You tracking with me?" (Pastor Bill)
So who better study, than Jesus, when looking for the perfect example as to who is "the man"? We are going to look at His personality, His traits, His habits, His life. As we get to know what He was about, it will be obvious what He wants us to be: like Him. In no certain order, He was a man of prayer, a man of power, a man of love, a man of peace, a man of authority, a man of wisdom, a man of knowledge, a man of passion, a man with purpose, a man of selflessness and humility, a family man, a man of the Word, just to rattle off a few. I look forward to discovering the traits as the Spirit reveals them each week. We will start with prayer, continue with prayer, and end in prayer. We don't check it off the list and go on to the next one. He is building a strong house. It only stands the tests of time by being built on a solid foundation. Though one may not see the foundation, it is there, and is depended upon to remain standing.
It is so important to start the day off in prayer. Don't forget we are in a spiritual battle, with an enemy that wants to destroy us. Many trials, temptations, and tests are coming. The wind is going to blow. May our roots be anchored deep in Him to not only make it through tough times, but to bring life into the journey and process. The Bible states we can bear fruit in season and out of season. We must stay connected to God, praying each day, in order to be the examples and leaders we are capable of being. He believes in us. He is investing in us. He's even praying for us, as weird as that sounds! If we will commit and surrender each day, we will allow Him to work His deep magic in us. He will make us kings and queens. Good, effective leaders of integrity and honor. Examples for others to respect and follow. Everyone has their domain, no matter their rank or position.
Prayer never stops. It is the simple conversation with God. It is participating in the connection of relationship. It is the balance of understanding we are praying to the most powerful force in the universe with the fact that we have a high priest that relates to us. He calls us friend. He calls us His child. But He isn't necessarily that meek person painted on the canvas. He's not still nailed to the cross as is represented in some symbols. He's the "all-consuming fire, emitting brilliant light, gold and gems, lightning, rainbows, beauty, ferocity, sword from His mouth, white horse, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Master of the Universe, The Savior, The Holy One, The Alpha and the Omega, The Morning Star"!!!!!!!!! Ah, yeah, baby! Can you feel that? That's who we are praying to. The One who is completely sovereign and holds the world together, the One who wins in the end is hearing our prayers. He loves us. He wants what's best for us. He is with us. Are we with Him? Are we going to invite Him into the center of every activity and social circle in our lives? May we participate in this relationship as men and women of prayer, connecting to Him throughout our every day lives, sometimes using words! Yes, we don't need to vocalize in so many words our pleas, cries, requests, thanksgivings, praises, confessions, etc. as if to twist His arm and woo Him into doing what we want. He knows what we need. He knows what we are saying. May we pray in Spirit and Truth, using words with wisdom and honesty. He wants this simple relationship. He must really enjoy it. Can we enjoy it? Can we be "okay" with God? We can. We are. Believe it. Live it. Participate in it. Cooperate with Him. Be The Man.