"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefor do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." Eph. 5:15-18.
I hate to even pluck this section out of context, as it sits in a rich chapter, and even richer book! But since there is a "then" and a "therefore", we must pause here and consider this text specifically. Those conclusive words indicate much groundwork has already been lain, so make sure you read the entire passage to capture what the Spirit is doing here. The chapter is loaded with commands about how we should live- as believers and disciples of Christ.
Many different angles can be taken about these verses, but I just want to focus on a couple. We are called to be careful with how we live. We are to be deliberate. I'm not exactly sure what it means having days that are evil, but we have but a very short time here. We can sure waste it pursuing a plethora of different activities that take up our time, devotion, and energy. We need to be about what's truly important. Some of those priorities include our relationships with each other, relationship with God, and developing the gifts He has given us. We are called to commune with our Savior and be filled with the Spirit. We need to be aware of His presence. We need to realize He wants nothing more than to be at the very center of everything we do. We truly march to the beat of a different Drummer indeed.
We all have only one shot at this. Don't waste life. Instead, be full of life and fully live. Make the most of every opportunity. Always be ready. Don't live with regret of missed opportunities. If we have conscious thought or memory when we arrive in heaven, and we are able to look back on our lives, what will we wish we had done more of or engaged in? Do that thing. Do it now. Don't hesitate. Go.