AFC Meeting 1/18/03
Prayer of Jabez, Part II.
"Oh, That You Would Enlarge My Territory!"
    What is "living large" for God?  It is a change in our thinking when it comes to what we believe we can do.  It changes our perception of the definition of our territory from being limited to our "abilities, experience, training, personality, appearance, past, and expectations of others", and molds it into a God-sized plan for expansion by working through our weaknesses with His perfect will and power.
    In its simplest form, "enlarging our territory" begins when we "earnestly seek more influence and responsibility with which to honor Him".  When we desire to participate in a lifelong commitment to further advance His kingdom and make an impact on others for Him, we can trust Him to place specific opportunities and people in our paths.  First, we might want to check ourselves in a few areas:    Have we claimed our marriages as His territory?  Are we working at the job site as if for God?  Are we diving into ministry opportunities around us?  What about our own lives?  Is there something we need to be doing, or something we shouldn't be?  Are we turning our backs to the call of God to be holy?  In other words, what kind of impact is God making in our lives, personally?  These are all questions to ask ourselves if we are to consider being involved in seeing God expand His ministry. 
     We then will see miracles emerge as God moves beyond our own abilities and limitations, and we sense the urgency to become totally dependent upon Him.  And He actually wants to use us to accomplish His work!