Life. We discovered it was too deep a subject to just cover in one session, so we decided we should branch out and stay in it for a while, as students of Life. To start, I wanted to make mention of a defining moment in my own life as of late. I was walking around in the wild, looking for quail as part of my "Quail Camp" adventure, talking to the Lord about life. I believe it was His thoughts becoming my thoughts as He revealed a life-changing perspective: if I'm truly surrendering my life to the Lord, then it really isn't mine to worry about. In fact, I can be free of worry and fear. I can love with abandon. I don't have to worry about controlling outcomes or people. I can have real faith. I can wholly trust Him. I no longer have to succumb to disappointment or be let down from a lack of meeting expectations. These were homeruns cracking in my spirit that led me straight into a freedom I hadn't experienced before. My life would truly be directed by God Almighty and I could afford to be wild and dangerous, along for the ride. In no way does this excuse me from my responsibilities, but it gave me some long lost power in the face of having control and living to please myself. Thank you, Lord. And I also believe He has been honoring me for having faith in Him, as of late. This is not a conceited notion, but an encouraging stroke to countersink into my psyche. This is what truly pleases the Lord. He is looking for it, hoping for it, counting on it. Life depends on it. May others find this true freedom. This is why He came. Come again, Lord. Amen.