The Power of I.C.E. (Identity, Confidence, Esteem) and the Dangers of Accomplishment


Since this topic struck a chord with me, I intend to write in the first person, as if I'm the only one that needs to hear this. To God be the glory, if another can learn from lessons The Lord is working with me on!  

So, where do I get my Identity, Confidence, and Esteem (ICE) from? I will get it from somewhere, true or untrue, right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy. The Lord wants to be the source of these things for me this Christmas. And it is still Christmas, as long as Immanuel, or God With Us, is a reality. And I must receive the ICE by actively believing that the source is solid enough to provide it. I also must believe that the source is good and has my best interest in mind. I must believe that what He says about me is true and that His promises are reliable. That's where faith comes in...

I was drawn to James 2:23, "And the scripture was fulfilled that says, 'Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,' and he was called God's friend." Abraham actively believed. It didn't say he believed in God. It said he believed God. He believed what God said about his life. It was Abraham's willful decision to respond with whole-hearted devotion and belief. He believed who? God. God was his source to draw from. God is the well I need to draw my ICE from. The dangers of accomplishment occur when I draw from the world's well. Included within the world is good ol' "me". I have found I can accomplish a lot on my own power. I am one that could build the Tower of Babel, if I put my mind to it. Weird thing is, He sometimes allows me to, all the while wanting me to invite Him into the center of every activity and plan. He wants His spirit to influence my mind to the point where my desires become His desires. Then I can accomplish things of lasting value and leave a legacy that points to Christ, as I am simply an extension of His hand, allowing His will to be done here on Earth as it is done in heaven. Otherwise, drawing from the world's well, I might be tempted to be proud, protected, insulated, and independent, living on my own strength, apart from His influence and denying His presence. I might miss out on the true life and freedom He offers. I might compromise all the "perks" of participating in a real relationship with God. I have to admit that my life, surrendered, and moved by His power, is the best life possible on planet Earth. I can actually be all He says I can be.

I have to look no further than Jesus as my example of someone that drew ICE from God. He knew His identity. He walked in the world with confidence of purpose. His esteem was from a source no greater than Almighty God. I can do that, by the power of His Holy Spirit. I am cut from the same rock (Isa.51:1), called a friend (Jas. 2:23), been adopted as a son (Rom. 8:23), known before being formed in the womb (Jer. 1:5), bought at a price (1Cor. 7:23), building my house on solid rock to withstand the storms of life (Mat. 7:24), a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17), not of the world (Jn. 17:16), an heir to His inheritance (Gal. 3:29)!!!!! He has given us His words of promise, filled with many examples that describe how He thinks of us and who He is. That is the true source of our ICE. Oh, how many people I've met that believe He doesn't love them anymore. They think they've gone too far, done too much, sunk too deep. They have a distorted view about what God says about His children. They don't understand the reaches of His love, the power of His forgiveness, the completeness of His redemption, and the satisfaction of fulfilling His purpose. They may be stuck in the theology that He is an angry grandfather, waiting to smite them at every little sin and mistake. This is where a lot of atheists are stuck. I wouldn't want to follow a god like that either! Again, I couldn't speak on this if I didn't have personal experience in it. So...what to do?

X's: Defense: Know who you are. Know who God says you are. Know what He says about you. Know what He thinks about you. Know what He offers you. Dig into His word and hold on to His promises. Fight off the temptation to engage in the world's accomplishments by your own power and strength. It's a trap that leads to a dead end, right where Satan wants you. And the Devil is just liable to reward you by worldly fame, fortune, popularity, etc. It's the allure of the "good life".

O's: Offense: Believe God. Rid yourself of the fear of His invading your life and disrupting your plans. Invest in the practice of drawing from Him your Identity, Confidence, and Esteem. You are loved so greatly by God! I can neither describe it nor fathom it. Know He is good. Know He has your best interest in mind. You can trust Him. He is with you. Realize His presence. Open up your mind to His desires. Be wild and courageous enough to let Him move you by the power of His Spirit. That's the real, true "good life". It's the God life through you. He's inviting us to join His revolution to change the world around us, beginning with the change within us. Who's with me?