8.  Sons of Thunder

(Isa. 61:1; Josh. 5:12; Gal. 5:1; Mark 3:17; Luke 9:54)


It’s gotta be up here somewhere, on this steep, rocky slope.

I’m desperate to find it if I’m to have any hope, have any hope.

Memories of manna and the pain of yesteryear.

This assault on Mt. Deja-vous again has brought me here!


Sons of Thunder, can you metamorphosize?

Can you send the flames to melt these stones

Into a heart, and make it right, make it right?

Sons of Thunder, can the Lord of Hosts dispatch?

A fire into my soul to heal my heart, and give it back, give it back?


It’s gotta be up here somewhere.  I saw it in a dream.

Where the villain ripped it out, and left a shell of hollow me, of hollow me.

Why am I still weeping over this scar that’s on my side?

When I can smell the land of milk and honey from the other side?


Freedom!  Can You bind the broken hearted?  For the captives, You proclaim?

From the darkest place imprisoned, in the year of His holy name.

Freedom!  For  those who grieve in the ashes, there’s a beautiful crown.

Oaks of righteousness for His splendor on the ground.