Just where is “Nexico”?
Be advised, this is not a
typo! This is the story of us getting
bogged down in the
stupid details of a ministry project, Justin
taking a restroom
break and overhearing two five year old boys’
“Guess what?
The other day, we went jeepin’ in Nexico,
and it was fun!”
“Oh, yeah? Well, I went jeepin’
once too.”
End of story. Justin chuckled through reciting this crazy
wondering, “what kind of jeep?
what type?
what color?
time of year? what trail?”. We
realized God had spoken through
these little boys.
We could sense Him saying, “You’re missing
the point. Just
love me with all you’ve got and love other people
like I have. Keep
it simple!”
Wow! Thanks, Leland, for picking up on that: “maybe that’s all
there is to this crazy journey. Everything follows after that.”
Much more than a song was
born that night.
10. Jeepin’ in Nexico
6:4-5; Isa. 13:6-8; Matt. 22:34-39; John 17:10)
Crazy, complicated dream.
is the child in me?
is ignorance so unkind?
to live the mystery!
All I have is Yours. All You have is
Hallelujah! Jeepin in Nexico. Hallelujah.
Crazy, life’s simplicity.
To love and love and love.
Crazy, between the anvil and His hand.
face is aflame!
All my heart. All my soul. All my mind.
All my strength.