Chapter 13
“Papa always said…”
“That’s not how I do things.” (p185, in response to Mack asking if Missy
had to die so that God could change Mack)
“Mean? Sad, isn’t it? He came to show people who I am, and most
folks only believe it about him.” (p186,
in comparing views of Jesus vs God)
“Because that is what love does.” (p186, in
answer to Mack’s question of how God could love a screw up like him)
“It’s not about feeling guilty. Guilt’ll never help
you find freedom in me.” (p187)
“Lies are a little fortress; inside
them you can feel safe and powerful.” (p187)
“The real reason is that you were
afraid of having to deal with the emotions you might encounter, both from her
and in yourself.” (p188, on why Mack
lied to
“Take the risks of honesty. When you mess up again, ask for forgiveness
again.” (p188, in reply to Mack asking what to do next with
“Ah, that is the risk of faith,
Mack. Faith does not grow in the house
of certainty.” (p189, in answer to “What
if she doesn’t forgive me?”)
“True love never forces” (p190).
“All evil flows from independence,
and independence is your choice.” (p190)
“If I take away the consequences of
people’s choices, I destroy the possibility of love.” (p190)
“…the pinnacle of my creation, and
the center of my affection.” (p190, what humans are)
“Through his death and resurrection,
I am now fully reconciled to the world.” (p192, on what Jesus did) Webster’s:
Reconciled: to restore to
friendship or harmony.
“…reconciliation is a two way
street, and I have done my part, totally, completely, finally.” (p192)
“Man, that’s some heavy stuff. Okay, I just gotta
know more about the cool guys in the House of Heroes. You guys rock!”
Do you feel like God has punished you in some
area to “change” you? Why or why not?
What do you feel guilty about, and
refuse to let go of?
What lies do you hide behind, even
when people tell you they aren’t true?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you
rank your “honesty” in your closest relationships? What about in the HoHs?
Do you feel like a screw up? Why or why not?