Chapter 3

Summary Notes:

  • Mack and kids spend time at Wallowa Lake on paddle boats, playing miniature golf, and going horseback riding. (p. 34)
  • Mack meets two other families at the Lake.  Vicki\Emil and Jesse\Sarah, who Mack took an instant liking to for their easy, unpretentious manner. (p. 35)
  • The families spent the day at the top of Mt. Howard.  For Mack the day was one of those days that catches you by surprise and takes your breath away. (p. 36)
  • At camp the adults sat around the campfire listening to Emil talk about his adventures as an agent for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, making Mack feel naïve about the world.
  • Mack loved any opportunity to brag about his Nan. (p. 37)
  • Mack defers deep questions aimed at him.
  • Calling God “Papa,” for Mack, is not easy to do.  It seems too familiar for him.
  • Mack dismisses how bad his dad really was – “life is hard sometimes, but I have a lot to be thankful for.” (p. 38)
  • Mack prays prayers of thanksgiving, about all he has been given – feels content, at rest, and full of peace. (p. 39)
  • Josh and Kate take the canoe out for one last time. (p. 40)
  • Kate waves to Mack and flips the boat over.
  • Josh is trapped under the canoe and Mack dives in without thinking twice.
  • Mack saves Josh – Emil felt guilt and fear for what had happened. (p. 42)
  • Mack hugs Emil and tells him it wasn’t his fault. – A crisis has been averted.


Splinters from The Shack:   

  1. Have you ever had a rare and precious moment type of day?  Why do you think you don’t have more of those days?
  2. Mack is uncomfortable calling God “Papa” because it is too familiar.  Do you have a fear of getting “too close” to God?
  3. Mack prays prayers of thanksgiving.  What do your prayers mostly consist of?
  4. Do you find it hard to talk “deeply” with others?  Why?
  5. Is there anything in your life right now that is hard for you to talk about?