Meeting 5/2//20

Col. 3:4-14

In these unprecedented times, cleaning has become more important than ever before, it seems.  There's a time and a purpose for cleaning, and this passage references the deepest of sanitation processes.  Some cleanings have a purpose of killing what's trying to kill you.  It's a time to fight fire with fire.  The command here is to put to death those inappropriate and detrimental things that are currently residing in your heart's house.  If you are a child of God, saved by His grace, those things have to go.  Those things are from your old way of life.  They're not the new you, so there's no place for them now.  Get rid of them once and for all.  Clean out your house.  

There's a repeated reference to what clothing you put on or wear.  I like that idea.  It's a picture of being covered.  It also gives a picture or presentation of your true self.  It's a description of who and whose you really are.  We aren't talking about outward appearances here. The Lord looks at our hearts.  Now, we don't want to mess this up.  We all have the capability of being fake or being wolves in sheep's clothing, so to speak.  No, you are now a child of God, so gone are the days of false pretense.  It's time to be real.  We should be continually humbled by grace because we should be continually reminded of our great need for a Savior.  I'm counting on the reality and consistency of human nature here.  Please disregard if you are no longer a sinner!  

​So, there are things that need to be removed from the closet.  You've got a new wardrobe now.  It's time to sport those new duds.  All of the garments are actions and truths of our identities.  They are elements of our faith.  They are character traits of Christ.  Put them on.  Do them.  Be them.  Let them become you and you become them.  It's who we are and what we do.  Don't be like the guy that cleaned out his house, only to have even more demons come back with a vengeance.  Clean out your house, but fill it with Christ.  Put Him on each and every morning.  Be filled by Him and live out from that reality.  Enjoy the King's covering.  Be identified as His clan.  It's His uniform you wear, with His name on the back of the jersey.  You are His now.  He's counting on you to represent Him as a member of His team.  It's time to go hard, then go home.  Play ball!