7.  Pangea King                  

(Rom. 1:20-22)


The city in the rear view, into the garden of gravity.

Into the trees, you grip the bark, you touch the new leaves.

You can’t see the wind but wonder, just where it comes from.

You stare at the moon and whisper, it could be under you.


There’s nothing pretty way out here, on the desert floor you walk.

Then it starts to rain, and then the desert starts to talk.

A thorny tree, nothing much to see.

Now raindrops look like diamonds, hanging off its leaves.


Pangea King educate me. Crown me and the world as one.

Pangea King liberate me to freedom under the Son.

Make my eyes to see Your hand in all these things.

Evolutionize me to love in unity.


A thousand miles an hour through time and through space.

You’d think you’d feel some turbulence but not a wobble at this pace.

Will the darkness cover you?  Will your thoughts be futile?

Will you claim to be a wise man, and one day look like a fool?


There’s something missing, there’s just some kind of unconformity.

But since the dawn of creation it’s pretty clear to see.

If you live by faith, the facts you will lose.

But He set these things in motion so men are without excuse.


You say that you believe in nothing, it’s just too hard to know.

But you gotta believe in something, ‘cause “nothing” might bring you down.