5.   Little Me                        

(Matt. 8:23-27; 14:22-36; 6:30; Rom. 8:28)


Was she the one that would’ve been more fun?

Was that the place that I should have gone?

A different number would I have drawn?

I wonder now just who I’d become?


And now I know at the heart of all things,

He’s working out His purpose for me.


Little me of little faith won’t you take heart and don’t be afraid.

Little me of little faith, catch the wind and tame its waves.


Did my mistake become His plan?

Or was my choice moved by His hand?

Was my free will my destination?

Or was it all a part of His orchestration?


Sailing on time that is borrowed.

Can’t worry about the seas of tomorrow.

Into the teeth of the storm that has raised.

Holding my course by His daggerboard of grace.