6.  Job’s Song      



Every eye will see as my storm unfolds.

Every knee shall bow as my story’s told.

Every tongue confess that I am Lord.


You didn’t know about the bet that we made that day.

I wish you’d seen the angels gather around and wait.

You should’ve heard your accuser defy what my hands had made.

How could you know that I called you my own, that it would be okay?


Now who is this?  Who are these men?

Speaking their words, they don’t understand?

Well, I say “Man”, brace yourself; brace yourself like a man!


Were you there when I took the dirt and formed it in my hand?

‘Cause the way that you’re talking man, surely you understand?

Did you hear the morning stars sing out, “Hallelujah!”?

Who told the seas, “This is as far as you go.”?  Surely you know!


Do you know the way to the place of light?

Do you know just where the darkness hides?

Can you send the wind underneath a wing?

Can you breathe life into anything?


You belong to me. You belong to me.  You belong to me.